Wednesday, December 31, 2003


TITLE:  if this werks, i'll send myself an e=mail.

Amnesia is a funny thing~~well not that funny.  The pictures abof^ represent an end-of-year compendium.  Hey, it's just a thing...HNY, abstractedslack

Tuesday, December 30, 2003


TITLE: so many readers...

So i was thinking, what if Captain Kirk [or Picard] had dyslexia?  The line would read,"Set your phasers for NUTS!"  Think about it, i haven't.  And that's what i get for listening 2 my own music.

Mean=while, i have 2 retro=actively thank my feminine cousines for passing along their Holiday lettres [karen & anne, smooches] And i will never forget the grand time we had cruising Lake Skeneatles on kay's 50th b'day.  [Kay is so not that old.]

  Is anybody following this?  It's a down day if you know what i mean.  And what about all the new Glowers who just found Awol=jernals?  Run away! Run away!  Hold onto your day job---the Kodiak will eat you just as you save your best picture.  More=over, you'll never finish your screen=play once you begin schlogging thru the Glows...the trap has caught me and i can't Remember Why??!  Skip that, you'll have a good time.  Trust me--i was very young also when I started this.  And i've got hundreds of readers. [i think~~altho i believe my hit=counter is out to get me.] And there you have it.  Marshall McCluhan was right about almost every=thing, but seeing that he's no longer breathing... Welcome 1&All 2 the and4---more & better tomorro.  Warp factor nada, MR. SULU

Monday, December 29, 2003


Holy cow!  My neighbor just brot me a Xmas present.  And i didn't get him nearly anything.  I am truly blesst.

TITLE: A NEW BEGINNING...[star wars, episode 10?]  Hey there's a goofy picture up^ there...wonder how it would look coming out of my Packard [the printer, not the car].  In the spirit, or gloam, of tossing out the old & bringing in the new...{like, year, dudes} I, personally, the Slack shall apologise at this time for any way=ward & un=toward Comments i have made on infrequent occasions [to AOL, Programmers/Computerists, fellow Glow=bloggers, et alia]---I resolve to be a tad less ex temporaneous in coming days.  It'll build character.  And be less boring & confusing, as if that Promise will hold!? Further=more, and in a Reciprocal fashion, i grant full pardon and Amnesty 2 all my present and future audience members [readers, commenters, lurkers & goofs] for at least the coming And4.  It's all about the love people.  Oh, YEAH! and i'll be funnier too [he swears on a stack of CD=ROMS], not strange=funny but laughingly so. {that won't last long either, i'm afraid}

  So for auld lang syne, i am the new improved Resolute & yet sweetly squishy, nearly all=forgiving SlackBackMack 04

Saturday, December 27, 2003


TITLE:  fair & warmer...

This is a thankful entry to my small & brilliant coterie of reader/advisers~~thanks. [wait! it's redundant]  i especially appreciate the holiday e=cards that have been sent to me; i knew this inter=web communication thing was good for something. meanwhile merry mystical Chica should try to hook up with the Dancer while they're both in AZ.  As like a meeting of the minds~~i'll hang here in the Balmy east waiting [with beaded breadth] for news of just such a conjunction...

hey--it could happen!  mean=while, i noticed a curious thing while reading some of my own old favorites. Namely that some of them have taken long breaks from the jernal experience.  I know it's the holidays & lots of them have moved on to personal web=sites... irregardless i would encourage many of those interesting Glowers to keep going into the NEW YEAR. More=over, you could still make the top 5 any day now.  Plus, i need stuff 2 read when i'm not enlightening [up=lightening?] my own gang.  And now, i'm off to posit or troll 4 deep Comments or possibly both.

            Rockster=slack 8.88

Friday, December 26, 2003


Santa brings ink & paper for the printer---yaaaay.  Thanks jim!  And it sounds from all over like most every=body had a good holiday too.  Rose and the gang called Twice from the left coast yesterday [i feel so special] and they were alltogether at once...altho' that's not unusual for them.  Also sounds like the itinerant Maisie had a whirlwind set of visits with her 2 grandbabies.

Lizard, as usual, managed to be at two places at once!  It is a mystery i will some=day solve.  Meanwhile on the home=front: Hane & i ate our five pound 'netted' Breast of turkey with fixins. ['cranberry sauce! cranberry sauce--i must have sauce from a cran can!']  Later i caught up on some strange holiday movies on the tube...Happy Gilmore, Door to Door, Lucky Numbers.  I recommend all 3, except for very different reasons. Which i won't reveal at this time--hmm.  In the meantime, keep enjoying the season [Hanukkah & Kwanzaa included]...  Oh, yeah~~John has a lot of good stuff on his glow including the very funny werld's most boring jernal.  Try it in small doses.  Checkya all lata as we move toward And4, a joyfully printerly ink=stained smooch & festiveslack.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003




{portion deleted in spirit of season}

Regards in the spirit of light coming into the werld, and i hope i don't get banished forever from the Glow=werld.  Merry Christmas 2 all & to all a good night.

Sunday, December 21, 2003


Title: Clearing the decks before they are bowed/boughed/buffed with Holly...

  First: my personal condolences to Mary, a fellow traveller who lost her house & two cats in a fire---our collectif loss is a sad reminder of Impermanence in this werld.  I pray that blessings fall upon you as you mourn & regroup. [No man is alone who has friends]

Second: i pray that the Peace of a child=king should fall gently all over the werld in troubled times & that hardened hearts will turn away from bad purposes.  The Maccabees experienced not only a military victory but also a Miracle of redemption from their loving god, who chose to shed light on a barbaric land and presage the Salvation of all.  Praise Him of many Names for He is with us.

Third & finally:  Love the love & stay firm in Faith, there=after Arises true joy...regard your children and you will SEE it.  A certain man said,"Allow the little children to Come unto me."  Those ones received a Very great Gift & they KNEW it.

  Happy Holidays~~and in the werds of Tiny Tim,"God Bless us...EVERYONE."

Friday, December 19, 2003


TITLE: Amnesia Returning!

  Many Glowers agree [hi Pam]!  Awerld 9 & Windy~exposed do not play nice together.  Obvious question: how do they get these programmes to fight like virtual pit-bulls?  Good thing i didn't abso=purge my Awol 8... [next obvious question: why does the Slakster keep so many annoying Kibbies on his ding=dang dell?] Ah~the poetry of a pack=rat.  Maybe the bishop of Smyrna will bring me something better than up=dial in six, hmm, sanity!  Until then i can only light candles and enjoy the spirit of the Season--as all of you should as well.  [it's just a suggestion] Now, if only i could remembre what it was that Tim tiny said at the end of that story...

  Oh, well--it'll come to me eventually.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003


title: Was Lost but Now am Found.

{hearing also the opening and closing of Visitory doors}  is Visitory a werd yet?


   It's too easy 2 get lost out here--my sincere apologies to the people who couldn't help me find myself.  Thanks in advance.  Bramwell Collins & Xena helped me much at first--such a strange house I myself live in where old ladies are vacant watching black & white Movies from the 30s.  And a certain classic automobile drives better in the wet and cold without gasoline than filled up for bread & milk runs.  {It's a lot less foggy now~~like my mind}

  A philosophy of Weather: the snow overcame us, the ice crystalised our Hesitations, the cold Rain washed our warm futilities Away.  Sleepy cozy dreams posed soft Reminders.  This was the world I encountered as a weary ReAwakener.  There is no poetry here; only fierce UpSparkling Re-Encumberance.  But like the butterfly in such Reveries, I am still somewhat confused---the man who Dreamt he was a Butterfly, or the butterfly who dreams Grandly?  Perhaps tomorrow I would see more clearly... Thanks 4 the Mammaries.        Slaknesiac~And3

Tuesday, December 16, 2003


TITLE: who am i? where am i?

Oh yeah, the crispy shiny icy thing that made every=thing schlippy yesterday.  I did my part getting the local girls off to werk & instilling them with driving confidence.  But macho me preferred 2 walk!  Such frozen irony.  All my girls will forgive.

  Except of course, Rocky, who thinks i should spell Naavidaadd correctly on the web. [i'd like to buy an a Pat... ok--there are 19 a's in Navidad!]  And who are these wing=ding translators anyway? Wingdingians?  Who speak wingdingish?  i could make up a better code in my sleep, maybe, if i knew who i was...

  Which brings me to the filosofy of Amnesia.  That is, forget Every=thing i just said as well as my last 5 entries!  Who's a crasy uncle? i don't remember!  Send me stuff 2 remind, really--i wasn't in my right mind when i commented or visited all those Glows.  More importantly, what's a darn Glow?  Forget it, i have. Are these my pants?

  And what exactly is a Mack Back Slacks?  Pants as well??

Sunday, December 14, 2003


Title: the day was Crunchy.

A really good day in Tikrit, if not as snowy as embarrassing 4 the dictator to be caught in a small hole under a rug and some styrofoam!  Check me in ten years as to whether Iraq is a better place all=together.  And except for pouring large prayers over those in harm's way--that's as political as i'll get for now.

    Nice day for a walk.  Snowy, crispy, windy, coldish grey & Wintry but who's complaining??!  i like the weather thing, especially when i've got home=made chicken soop 2 slurp.  {i CAN Imp while i Glow---amazing}  Seasonal Cheer, mumsy And 4 my South=Western fans...

Feliz Nvidad!  me

Saturday, December 13, 2003


Title:  Accept No Substitutes!

Hey--is every=body ready for the next big storm?  Probly not...but i laid in my extra bread & tomato juice.  And plenty of home=made chicken soop~~yum.  Mean=while in Glow-land, there's lots of holiday spirit.  I'll wait a week until Hanukkah starts for real. ['Are there no prisons?  And the workhouses, do they not continue operating?']  Ho-ho-ho, i can be an impish elf around this time of year!

  HEY GOOF! Whatcha doin' posing on the chats with part of my name?  Santa's gonna bring you a lump of coal...there's only 1 Slack & i am He.  My peeps know who i am, all 10 lettres of my nomenclature.  And if they wanted 2 really open a chat, i'd be notified.  'Nuf said.

  Dancer, you especial rein=dear: hope your show is going well.  Awol 9.zilch really is feminine becos of her complexity.  Here's a ponderance 4 you: what if Dorothy had met Peter Pan?  [would Oz & Neverland blend in some strange new way?] It wonders me some.

   Other fans~~chek me but don't elek me.  Effusif notoriety is my absolute Nemesis! {pondre, discuss, post}      the slaCbaC real...

Friday, December 12, 2003



    Apologies again to all the visitors who think i link---i can barely read my own werds without running over the 2500 limit. [trust me, it'll be worse in February; i might not read other Glows @ all, dancer, viv, muse, et alia]  Meanst=while, the 9.aaaghh does not find me ordinal enuf~~what's up with that?  i think she also distrusts my modem.  OR maybe i just have too many stolen pix on my hard=on drive. [did i just say that??]  i am just so busy buying YAMS for hane and prepping the green=ghost 4 her next inspection.  Plus i do haf 2 walk in my neighborhood noticing furtive cats, cook chicken=gravy grits & dreme fanciful dremes that i am in control of this balky monstrosity! [the 'putre]  YES! only in dremes can i mouse the correct back=slashes.  Maybe if i got up early in the morning, before Dark Shadows...even before that first cup of Moka, i could whip this animal into the shape i desire.       Naaaah!

   i must depart before i am over=run with IMPS & multiple comments!!   [the true filosofer laughs @ himself 1st & fore=most]  No, really, i don't expect any comments!>

Thursday, December 11, 2003


Kodiak blew off my captions... briefly, hmmmmm^

TITLE: MAYBE SOMETHING BAD, maybe something good... [Ren the asthma-hound chihuahua]         What was i thinking?  I graded=up to AWOL 9.0 Optimistic and was not surprised that they added a layer or 2 of complexity.  [must buy more memory...]

  Yet, they will not dampen my hopeful mood, gang.  I've been getting around this stuff for almost six months--and barely learning the eight step cures for a bad out=come!  One could easily lose one's mind if it weren't questionably lost in the real werld.  Already.

  Never mind: the pooters will probly be much more co=operatif by the time Wyatt goes 2 high=school.  Hold breath Not, young Wyatt!  your grandish uncle must pondre the pentaGlows...

         upgraded smooches

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

MAISIE walking

Title: Onward the grand Nephews

    Sadness is not long on this Inter=net thingy.  Poignant and striking, yes...Eternally tragic, never.  Blessings there=for to all forgers of the Way. The picture of Maisie walking the stroller Reminds me of the carriage we rolled around the Circle, way back when!  What a summer we had.  And Capsizer such a big and sloppy baby---don't tell Tania [his wife] or anyone else for that matter.  The guilty will be proved by their pictures---or like the efficiency expert heard about Employees approaching retirement age:

  "There ain't nobody going in the Other direction!"   lata

Tuesday, December 9, 2003

brief grief

Title: Every man's Death diminishes me.

    i cannot mourn well a man who whined better.  I only read Frank a few times but i understood where he was coming from.

   Which comes back to how new i am to all of this Glowing & Flowing...the reading and the commenting are Immediate, special & personal; and so is the winking out of life.  We fear nothing but the darkness which comes upon us as we log off, boot down & promise ourselves that tommorro we will connect with far=flung friends.  What else is there in a hopeful space?  I repeat that i did not connect to franjfla as well as many of you---yet there is a Remnant of him in me, however small.  As small & ignominius as i am there=for to him, i bless him on his journey.  And great sympathy to all those who surround him in fond remembrance.  We are not diminished by a Grand Absence but reinforced through a shared & Awesome presence.  Frank will strengthen our efforts @ length

            salty smooches, the slack

Saturday, December 6, 2003


Title: 2nd attempt.

Today we may be forgiven if we glow about snow.  It would also have been my last day of werk, but i suspect no=one is doing yard werk today!  More=over, i kind of like it when it blizzes like this.

Some 'rents will say,"Hey, Slack--it's not a snow day if it falls on Saturday."  Now ask me why i don't own a 4x4.  {Because i'm enough of a menace with the car i do drive}  Enjoy the season while i dig out my garage,

     Bound yet boundless...

Monday, December 1, 2003

Music=Mush Monday

Title:  i'd rather make Music without an Over=Large set of controls.

  The Piano~forte was the first hybrid instrument.  Made to sound like every other Voice in composition, it became its own best expression of unavailable players.  Never mind, the percussif/string/legato bastard became the instrument of my choice even after i beat it [Everett upright] with a real hammer!  {a fambly member can add a fond recollection of E. Worst, here...our collectif piano teacher}

   Wait a minute! the Slacker=Backer has spent his young life writing Musique?  Avec various degrees of control...?

  Yes, it's true--Art & Writing come first but i am not ashamed 2 admit that i haf some talent 4 the emotif power of noise.  And if i could figger out how 'pooters are supposed to enable musicians, i would be all over it!

   Too much of the up=load & down=load i suspect...  @ least the Muse has heard one of my 'songs'.   probly more lata on the self=same subject-- 

     one whimsical lyrical poetic slack

Sunday, November 30, 2003


Title: Lizard watches Eagles win.  OR the Traditional break=fast Chicken.

    The Masterful niece from Boston is a better traveller than me, for sure.  She finagled rides to and from the local maisons des grand=meres around her 28th birf=day---oops, no! Lizard is much younger than that! [they are only numbers on a faulty calendar.]  Cousin Dan B. droppt her off & cousin David D. pickt her up.  Hane barely had time to meet either of them! [see subject]

  good for me i don't chauffer the beauties around like that any=more.

    The namesake niece had to have her doughnuts from a national chain---and her grand matriarch insisted on hoagies for Lunch.  Blade was a sleepy hostage.  so, i ask you, what did i cook the bogo chicken for?  {A: so i could make a very Excellent gravy for my tomorro Grits.}  i cook, therefor i am.  Engineer~Jim will explain it to me @ length...from Arkansas.  Beware the sub=text---Slack

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Young & pretty Lizards

Title: blog of dog in fog...etc.

   NO! My mood is not chillin', but it was Chilly @ the shack!  Warm now--i'll be alright.

    Boo=Boo the hound loves me, especially for walking her at 2 AM Friday.  Too bad she's the wrong species.  And the one gecko was friendly enuf---see subject line.  Altho there is a certain human Lizard out there just as pretty as Zelda who is popping in to visit tomorro.  You=all might be able to dope it out from the pix i include @ top^.  I am just so over these cutesy entries.

   {Cynicism without Whimsy?  i ask you...}  Hillary eating her turkey in Afghanistan?  Random thots from a Random guy.  I feel so blessed not to boil a turkey carcass this year for soup.  But i do have to go shopping 4 grox this week...lots of good bogos [buy 1, get 1].  Hane has the TV on so LOUD! 

   Check me lata, love you all...

        the dog=sitting slack

Wednesday, November 26, 2003


Title:  "Turkeys?  We don't need no stinkin' Turkeys!"

    Bountiful Greetings from the Slack house=hold!  We have much to be grateful for on this Giving=Thanks occasion...  almost too much to mention[?]   Maisie will be entertaining Cat and the gang in her wonderful Northeast home & i will be watching Rocky & Blade's bassett=hound.

   At some point, i will cook us a stuffed chicken.  Rose will have a great feast on the Left Coast & they will be thankful the fires have subsided.  Jack & the boys will watch mucho foot=ball i am sure.  And Kay will celebrate quietly in Germany--'tho her love and gratitude will precede us in time.  Twas ever thus!  And for all the other relatives [many] who will gorge themselves this weekend:  WE are blessed all=together to share the day with you in spirit & in fact.  However you celebrate, Hane and my love will shower you as you pray over your meal.  Let us strive to live soon in a century when no=one goes hungry.    And likewise 2 all my readers & fans---have a safe and happy day.

        cinnamon smooches, me

Saturday, November 22, 2003

# 2000

Title:  "That's what i get for being such a busy guy..."

     Apparently, while i was over=loading 5 roll-offs in the pleasant November air, Someone became the two thousandth visitor to slack=werld!  Congratulations, whoever you are.  {it must be noted that 500 of those hits were myself writing or correcting the Glow--do i like the sound of my own voice?}  

    Many of my cuddies are wishing me happy holidays as the time comes for them & me to disappear for the remainder of 2003.  Altho', they were especially present all=together on this nice day!  We couldn't get another stick on.  But as i said earlier--they sure had a nice enough day for it.

    Fambly=wise: somebody send a link to this Glow to my good cousin Mark, who had his 44th birf=day yesterday.  I would do it but i have absolutely no info on my favourite Hawaiian cousin.  And that's also what i get for being such a newby: namely, all my relatifs have had pooters so long they just assume i have nearly as much contact knowledge as they.  Alas & Alack, i don't.  So if you are a long=lost fambly member with piles of data on your top=lap and you don't mind sharing it with a chronic~fresh e=mailer & alltogether Annoying super-uncle Wacky glow-author...Step up!  You could be #3000 & get a prize.  I wouldn't love you all any less [?]{!}.  Plus, of course, the prize.   Advise @ all costs for i am laughing myself silly...

       the inimitable  Slack

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Title:  "maybe just one itty=bitty link, sir."

     My female Advocates have all chimed in on my last couple entries--i must have a soothing voice to the female spirit. {+ i am universally beloved. ~snicker~} Happy Musings & mumsy=whimsy are appreciated.  More of my fambly real should visit...hmm

    Stole my paycheck again today sittin' in the slack-shack with a steady rain...And Gary took pity on me and brot me a hamburger & fries from a national franchise which will not be McMentioned.  So---life is really good if i werk less for regular money & a client buys my lunch!! [once again, folks--you can't have my job!]  As for the news of the day about Jacko & possible gay marriages in MASS [en masse?], i don't think the stories are related.  Hane would hark back to the day when none of these reports ever saw the light of day! More blessings on her, i guess.  And i have nearly nothing to add as well. {phew--dodged the cannon=shot from the grassy knoll on that one}  Ok, so maybe now i try the link: [it did not werk---and i can't spend my life failing over & over]

  I'll get it eventually, without windows or.....hmmm

  I'm a writer not a Mouser!

Monday, November 17, 2003


Title: "there are no links on this page..."

     Ignore previous entry.  So i'm having this dream where i'm on=line and mousing around the Glows and VOILA!  I've won a prize on somebody else's web=page, or something...  And of course i don't deserve it because i'm only dreaming about it.

    But the worst part about this dream is not that i can't find my own Glow, or that i don't know why i got the prize...but that i am so retarded that i can't do anything at all in response to the dream.  That is, i have reverted to cave=man status like Bill Hurt in that strange movie about sensory-deprivation.  I can't talk or drive or cook or speak or do anything remotely intelligent.

   And then i wake up and go to werk and i am fully human again.  No, really, i got up and went to werk with normal functionality.

     What disturbs me is i have begun to type and mouse in my sleep, kind of like when i first learned American Sign Language---i would finger=spell and make signs in my dreams.  Do any of the other Glowers have this problem?  It wonders me oddly.  And you, dear visitor, might as well ignore this entry as well...      dew=dew=dew=dew

         twilightly surreal  mrfgpx

Sunday, November 16, 2003


Title:  what is real?

    That is the essential meta=fysical question as especially regards the fates of Raven & est, I am sure some=one perished in a horrible car=crash somewhere on the planet in the past week.  The problem is--should our condolences go out to real models or to fantastic archetypes created by hacker=goofs & itinerant pornograglowers[is that a new werd?]?  Never mind, the essential question goes unanswered, as all good posits.  I, myself, as a near=buddhist will not spend any more time on that subject... Trust & Verify--Comment early and often, epistemologists...        slack

Saturday, November 15, 2003


Title: a week of Windiness

Did everybody miss me?  I was busy editing code out of two IMPs for posterity.  Turns out simple IMPs are 75% machine=language!  Amazing.  Speaking of fones, the Cable guys were here on Thursday grading up our land=line...i think they were slightly stunned by our current wiring [two copper wires screwed to steel posts].  We seem to be entering the 20th Century--considering that until 1999 or so, we had one of those big black rotary desk=fones that they used to knock people unconscious on Columbo!  And we had to mail it back to Bell 'cos it was a Rental.  Myself, i walked everywhere Thursday in that killer, does that ever build character!

Friday--i continued to beat back the hypertext from my 2 IMPs, and other computer stuff.  We lost a beautiful Glower---[unverifiable]  and i just couldn't bear to make a flippy entry.  When cars can kill, I'm kinda glad my Dodge is tempermental.  {sentiment deleted}

Today: yes, the ghost took me to werk where we over=filled 5 bins with wind damage.  I had a little trouble directing traffic becos everybody went where they wanted to!  Must be close to the end of the season.  And here i am, dating up my Glow in a new Epoch...OH!  Thanx dancer for the IMP yesterday--and no, i forgot to save it. [more code not to back=space!! Ha!]   The slack is only so Retentif.           smooches

Wednesday, November 12, 2003



     what a day!  Or, rather, what a 24 hour period.  Rocky & i took the green ghost to her Doctor appt. last night and she stalled only once [the car].  More=over, the Doctor was not there.  But we had fun any=way bopping around the Web...she has much to teach me about this 'putre crud.  And she [the niece] did a good job of decimating my overage of a certain diet beverage.

     This morning, hane forced me to send a birthday message 2 her sister---it slowed my progress getting 2 werk but i was glad to do it.  Happy Happy R=M! that's aunt rosemary 2 the fambly.

     And then the darn car would not start for love or money!  She hates the iffy weather.  That's me catching the bus to werk again and asking one of the police=dispatch gals to run for cigarets. {every=one insert anti-smoking message here}  Me and the bus=driver were alone on the run back into town, but she was pleasant and lovely all=together [the bus=driver, she].  Yet, it was quite dark and scared me not.  Hey! Maybe there is a little Shakespeare here, anon.

     Inevitably amused & a rock=solid uncle despite automobilic travails periodic---RECYCLE! BUS! LIVE! and smooch the fambly of humanity....

            a resourceful & reliable slack

Monday, November 10, 2003


title: how i did what i day in Novembre.

    Shouts 2 willy, the pumpkin story=man [moving stories], Rocky 4 building her own web=cite [not a misspell], my dear Muse just 4 hanging in/out & Cat 4 being the busiest momma in the werld!  She must get up @ dawn just to compile her schedule while engineer=Jim hangs out at the hotel breakfast bar in Arkansas.  [there's a rhyme there--i did promise some poetry.]  Regarding myself--i did pretty good werk today and the car behaved itself, especially after dark.  And, so, here i am @ home listening to cherch=bells & jeopardy--thinking of putting out my garbage and reclining on clean sheets...  Hey, gang, i can't be a funny cartoonist all the time!  + if you can't post to this page, you can always send me laudatory e=mail.  {it's one of those werds that only looks funny when you type it--laudatory/lavatory}  And i am there=for & completely, slacking the final Jeopardy........slac

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Full Moon Laundry

Title: 'my car likes the fumes'

Soooo...Germany is a land that has real tele=fones, maybe.  Kay has good neighbors i hear and that it's a small werld.  Naturally.  So, I'm drifing the green=ghost to the ATM and gassing her up with a yuppy food=coupon...vroom vroom and i do a Round trip of bread, bleach, decaf tea & cigs.  All good to the point where i stash her in the garage And make myself a tuna=sandwich while Hane watches an Audie Murphy movie.  Rocky reads me just before the Simpsons and we are IMPs...Where the cranberry werld was i---oh, yeah, that car seems to love running on no ethyl @ all.  What is up with that?  mean=while, my father was good enuf to instill me with the resourcefulness to roll my Sunday laundry on two wheels [cart] instead of four.  Plus i used his sea=bag, again.  Hane was worried about the dark but i Regarded it as an extension of my natural condition.  Tomorro the car will take me to werk, no worries--it just doesn't like a full belly.

         Vrooom-sputter-crank slack

Saturday, November 8, 2003


Now, that's more like it--nothing like a little frost=bite to concentrate the mind.  OK, it wasn't that bad...but i did manage to fill those roll=offs again.  Did anyone notice my mood was "chillin'"? It's a pun!  Altho i'm in=of=doors now and pretty toasty.  Warming myself by the lapping flames of my personal Glow.  {Ha Ha Ha phphbft Ha--a blog joke}  Let's see how fast i can run out of text.  I can save a lot i think by refusing to Indent or perhaps, someday, by having a point!  Yes, readers, you can dreme of it also.  Hey--it sure beats poking yourself in the eye with a sharp, hot, stain=less steel pointed stick. [i sense a pointed theme.]  Going to check out that lunar eclipse myself.  And learn to write in complete sentences. +without parenthetical expressions+  i put the chill in chillin' becos i am the inveterate slacker=backer from anothre planet [more incoherent babbling...] And i smooch your commentary directly & indirectly.     dark

Thursday, November 6, 2003

All About Who?

Thank god it's raining!

I tried & i tried 7 ways from Sunday 2 put a small pic in all about me and none of them gave me satisfaction!  Awol Glowers--do not try this at home!!  I might be new to this but it is Totally counter=intuitif.  Better i should stick to text entries & "I've Got Kodiak samples".  And this is just one current frustration of my werld. why does this crap haf to be so bloody pro=pisha=prietary?????

    That is--somebody tell me in truth how all this is supposed to make my life Simpler.   I don't think so.

    Pardon me for ranting but it's the same old bull we've been getting from the Phone companies, US Mail & Cable Tele=voidness.

     aaarrrrrrgh..........fff the status quo        slak

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

wet again...

title:  Yes, it is November.  Which is to say that the weather is beginning to match the season and i am slowly but surely starting to clean out the slack=shack.  Personally, i like rain & fog & mist and early onset Arthiritis...and wearing my woolies to werk.  No, really, I'm not kidding.  [dang! how do you spell rheumatism?!?]  Well---i haven't got much more tonight, so i think i'll check a few more Glows before Enterprise...

           ever=whimsical, a brief slack

Tuesday, November 4, 2003


title: If you didn't Vote, you can't kvetch!     Not only am i a super=uncle, but also a super=voter.  Altho i didn't get started early enuf...[was that Richard Nixon who gave 18 year-olds the right?!] I am dating myself if i told you i saw Nixon in person.  but hey, there you go.  I could have been a gergling baby.  And then i ran around town in the green ghost, buying coffee, milk, eggs & cigarets...washing the chocolately dirty robes of Hane @ my new favourite laundry=mat.  Y'know--just the stuff one does after being an upstanding Citizen.  In any case i make a difference just by living on the planet.  To someone, somewhere.  Did someone ask to look at pictures of FROGS?  Abof^they Are!

Monday, November 3, 2003

Goodbye, Blue Monday

Now i get it--it wasn't so much the extra characters as the extra spaces!  That's what i get for thinking like a cartoonist. ButThatWon'tCauseMeToRunEverything TogetherJustTOFitItAllIn.  Also, i wouldn't want any of my material 2 accidentally become a string-of-code for my favourite enemies.  Do i have enemies?  Or for that matter...[sub=text]     What a glorious day to werk outdoors--i even put on my sunscreen today!  Short=sleeves in November?!  It ponders me that i live so good.  Veb is a new fan so i gotta shout out to her and Rocky is probly poring over the stuff i sent her [smooch both & sundry].  No wonder i can't finish my second novel.  Mea Culpa...  mean=while shouldn't there be a character/werd counter on the initialised Glow?  And don't forget to vote tomorro 4 real, people: it will have consequences in And4!              ~gurgle~    Truth^

Saturday, November 1, 2003

Insanity--part trois

"lots of leftover candy"  {must  try  to  use  only  one  colour}  Man, that Casio drum set can sure keep time!

     Clearing the decks:  a couple of fellow Glowers have noted my entries are Humorous & Original. {must  e=mail  them}  And here i was going for the depressive & cliched!  Oh well--chacun a son gout. {Must    get    French    character    set}  Sacre bleu!  Et merci beaucoups..    Meanwhile, the Capsizer was good enuf to send a couple Halloween pix and i appreciate that.  Hmmm [dragon growl] maybe i'll buy me one of them dexa=pectoral giga=pull CAMERA thingies.  Then i'll really be able to dump some awful images onto 'hey you've got some fotoes, or something'

     {must  Not  Rant  Anti=technologically} [creaky door]  And now for the body of the text:

     Apparently, i spoke too soon about the yard=werk declining becos, YES--we overfilled the five roll=offs YET again! [door slams]  I personally blame the wonderful weather in my neck of the woods.  So many trux, so many trailers, so much Dumpster=climbing.  {must  use  less  spurious  equal-signs}  It will have to be somewhat different next year.

     If you don't know it by now--none of my special fonts and italics "link" to anything.  {perhaps  i  am  the  Missing  Link?}  Yet, in some small way my Glow is entertaining, n'est-ce-pas?  And so, fans & fambly, i toddle to other jernals as i am sometimes wont to do; there's a bonus for Commentators [and e=mailers] who count and chronicle all the misspellings and faux-pas within this pardicular entry, altho' i haven't yet decided what that bonus should be! 


Friday, October 31, 2003

What? No Dark Shadows?

"arooooo!!  That was some scary movie, eh kids?  What was that?"

     ---Count Floyd, SCTV [parafrase]

     My Anticipation is palpable.  All those tiny extortionists in strange and funny costumes.  And their parents shuffling along for the ride...

     Still, i love the halloween; it's such a neighborly holiday.  My favourite part is stealing next=door to see what treats MaryAnn & Ed are distributing.  My candy is fresh this year, i promise...Heck i bot 5 bags!  I also especially like the infants who get carried up to the door in their outfits & they have no clue what they're supposed to do!  Id est, i may be the scariest thing they see all year, but they must be in a mild state of shock already by the time they get to my door.  I can't imagine how the new parents explain it all---the free candy, the trooping from door to door AND all these other crasy people doing the exact same thing?!  God bless 'em.

     Meanwhile & more=over, Lizard has all the latest pix of our babies---go bug her for copies [insanely maniacal Diabolical lafter!]  But, BEWARE my spooky compadres...She's 'It' and she might just Tag you!         ooooooowooo[ i think she's a familiar if not the real deal.]    more lafter.     Did i mention the Anticipation of more scary comments and e=mail?  It's just a thing until i apply myself to making the Glow more accesible.  And to all my female fans:  I really do want to bite your collectif necks. [hypnotic stare]         darkly, almost vampiric were=slack...        CRRREEEEAAAAK

Thursday, October 30, 2003

my MOOD is Pensive

Title of entry: ONWARD & UPWARD

     so much is happening i can barely keep track of it all...which is not unusual for the inhabitant of a scattered mind.  Let's see--lizard is wondering why we don't have more e=mail on the mack=side.  Meanwhile, the sandflea is sending me very funny commentary but Not thru AWOL.  Must be the proprietary/exclusionary nature of that Beast.  Irregardless, i am having a brain=spasm getting around the thot of Governor Schwarzenegger doing politics while the fires rage...yet i sincerely hope that the left coast gets it all under control soon.  Prayers going out to all the brave souls battling catastrophe...

     There's a muse out there who attends my concatenations; but i am still Awed by the exquisite parentage of my Nephews...that these boys i entertained on the Circle in my exuberant adolescence [and their brief infancy] do now have children of their own?!!

     Nothing short of a miracle which wonders me as i grow old and perfect.

    Yet! The filosofer never outgrows his usefulness, ponderous and full 'tho he grows.  Hey, it's just a thing i might explain later...if ever one lives as long---

   i am the spooky superuncle and eerily mysterious to boot...     candy4slack

Wednesday, October 29, 2003



     i am truly small in such a beautiful universe; and don't i know it.  Thanks 2 pop=pop lou for all the great pix of the new baby, one of which i will include abof^...or more likely the picture of the wrung=out parental units!  God bless them.  Pardon me while i slip into a fone=boof[?] and turn into Super=Uncle.

     How do i love my Fambly?  Intricately, immensely?  Impossible to measure?  Yeah.  All the great filosofers had trouble with this one--namely, how do you share affection with people you are already connected to, as opposed to perfect[?] strangers or the werld @ large?  My answer, and usually theirs is like a certain sneaker commercial: You just do it.  And better yet--you don't have to be Super=Uncle to understand the basic emotion.  It  just  Happens.  My latest nephew {grandly} is a fresh and bright example of a connection we already share---to ourselves, our future And the incredible wonderment of the entire universe...[put the boots on the Baby, it's getting thick]'s all on Amy Grant's album which i just rebooted!   Excellent & Especial love in All directions, i am the hyperavuncular[?] SlackBackMack        smooch

Monday, October 27, 2003


title: The day Was Moist.

     I definitely stole my pay today---it rained all day and practically nobody brot recycles.  Sat in the mack=shack trying to stay dry.  Good luck to me!  Plus, the last hour was dark owing to the Reagan time=change.  Good thing i have the NPR [radio] and plenty of ancient dirty magazines.  HA=HA, my life is especially good!  {And no, dear Readers, you cannot have my job.}  OH! Wait--glowing on the Interweb is also my job???   Or maybe it only feels that way, some=times.  But here i am warm & dry.  Hmm---that brings me to an environmentally existential question: Is it better to werk in a small wet shack for 6 hours or to clatter around and mostly sleep in a much larger high=maintenance structure?

   I shall have to ask Bucky Fuller about that, the next time i see him.  Perhaps...

     thinking about it and finishing up, my life is still pretty good.  id est, slightly moist yet eminently favourable.  What do you think?                 [guncle=slak]

Sunday, October 26, 2003


The text is Blue becos jeff & jen just had their first son--Wyatt!  Blessings on us is the greatest Miracle, day by day or especially freshly born.

     And of course i am the grandest uncle i know.  This is only my second time...Noah has a Cousin!  If only this humble filosofer could grow as fast and fairly as Maisie's grand=kids.  I mean the whole thing is just staggering to me.  What everlastingly beautiful other Miracles await?  Id est, perspectif is not just a technique one studies in Art Class.  And just yesterday, i was kvetching about cheese.

    Then of course i sent the grand news on to my peeps; this e=mail/inter-glow thing might just catch on.  More=over i was walking to the ATM and who also shows up there but Cat!  She said,"what are the chances?"  I'm not sure but i think it's probly one in a google [not the search=engine].  We're currently playing IM/e=mail Tag, and she's still 'IT'. Gosh, i love my Fambly.  And sometimes in quantum mechanics, the denser slower moving particle manages to intersect the faster, negligible excited particle.  YEAH--that would explain it.   Meanwhile, i wonder and ponder just where my extra Reagan=hour went.

     It certainly is grand to be the grand=uncle that I am---it humbles me more than i could describe.  Regardo uno uomo simplistico...     more tomorro---the connected Uncle of brilliantly wonderful childrens,      slack

Saturday, October 25, 2003

MY MOOD IS==put upon


    all=right. it's a date=up on a Saturday night, after an above average day filling roll=ups at the yard.  But hane is all about the cheese!  I'm getting ready for werk and she's like,'i'm out of my special cheese---i'll give you money and wait by the door if you get it for me...'  Like that would happen.  No back=ground but i like to go to the grocery store all at once, instead of Individually and discreetly running for singular items.

     It's funny & tragic how such things strike the mind.  I have gotten so used to combining trips---yet the Matriarch interrupts me with asymtopic requests from her shining mind.   ['oh, wait, i need this; and i should do this---sounds of bursting synapses---but Hey you should do/get/contact THIS!]  Get me not wrong; i don't complain.  I learned at the bingo=hall to take care of problems/concerns of the customers as they arose.  Yet it strikes me queer that when i'm busy doing sheet Hane has a thousand requests; and when i am just sitting around doing nothing, the matriarch is silent and happy like the proverbial CLAM.

    Venting, just venting.  More people have it worse than this.  If she weren't a blood relation or less intelligent than she is....hmmm.

    There=for, filosofy: 'What a different path my life would have taken if only i had chosen a different path...'  AND this is a pathetic Entry in need of some Commentary.        lata

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


APOLOGIA:  Rocky should drive all the time and Lizard may supercede our greatest Collectif Expectations!

    It's just a thing.  And then there's the Imminent parent=hood of J&J--our blessings upon your greatest adventure!

     Hane sleeps, paper=girls are paid, Roll=offs are half filled and crispy in the cool moonlight...yet fans of myself are ponderous in their hesitant Admiration.  Enter=prise beckons and Judah Zacharey will have his head tommorro [the cycle of Barnabas of Collinwood shall start again, anew]  Kay should call soon if i ever quit this Glow!  And so, the apologies are forfeit as i toddle off 2 dreams of Anime and---what dreams may come? {sleepy the SLACK}

     Do GLOW ENTRIES ever end?    muse, advise, laugh & collapse---       beis=bol  zzzzzzzzzzz[snorf]zzzzzzz

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

my Mood is Nominal

The regular Tuesday frustration of trying to install a Printer without an Opera=manuel [intentional misspell] title of entry: 'shouts to my peeps'

     it really is the last of the beautiful Octobre days---but i'm not complaining for lack of listeners.  So here goes: Rocky and Lizard should get back to werk now--really.  Altho i thoroughly appreciate all the attention.  Werk was nay so hard yesterday even if i did fill 5 roll=ups; my one customer brot me a go=plate of piping hot Krautpork mit mashed potatoes & carrots...mmm, yummy [in addition 2 my gardensalad and bologna sandwich]  Quite the lunching yard=man, me...

     more shouts---kay missed me on Sunday, harry's birfday, but Hane covered nicely as deaf and brefless as she did---Oh, well...we'll talk soon.

    More=over, i have a couple new fans here and there like a certain amusable muse in California, and an odd assortment of IMPS, shadows & fellow smooches caress you all!

    THERE YOU HAVE IT, MUCH AS MUCH AND i will not bore you morely---it's a big werld of lata with maybe pix & poems...

         [end of entry]  docteur slaque

Sunday, October 19, 2003


Hey!  It's Sunday and i'm trying to Relax after completely finishing the puzzle  with no mistakes.  Hey, it happens--even to a brief genius such as myself.

     Never mind---i would speak to you all at length but for now, i believe i will publish the last of the borrowed pictures and swear off the pirating of beautiful images from my GLOW=peers.

   Mercy, mercy...i will have to get a scanner {and this Octopus will grow}   Apologies at length---sleepy Now, editing the borrowed pictures....


Saturday, October 18, 2003

Insanity--Part Deux

It's a Glow!  You're supposed to Comment!  Even if you're just lurking.

     I thot it wouldn't happen again this year...but it did.  This was the second busiest yard=waste day this Season.  There were trux & trailers & mini=vans and i was running around like a nut, directing traffic and trying to figure out where to put all this crud!

     We ended up uber=filling five roll-offs again; we couldn't get another stick on.  The front end loaders are gonna be tamping all of it down come Monday morning.  Must have been the terrific wind we had on Wednesday...or maybe just all the Residents playing catch=up on a mild Octobre day.   Sunny, yes.  Crisp and cool, too.

     {Music i am listening to: Cathedral bells and Lawrence Welk [hane TV]...Lawrence is an excellent host considering he's dead.}

     Rocky! Lou! Any=body!  READ the GLOW and Comment.  You can even tell me how boring it is, really.  OR maybe especially tell me that---fading fast,  your humble servant...

     +++tired Slack+++

Thursday, October 16, 2003


Richard Nixon said,"Let me say this about That..."  And he was also a California=politician.

     [entry formal]  What a glorious day for all of us!  The Pope has been Installed for 25 years!  Now, i know i've said some strange things about the Catholic cherch [and especially the bells of the cathedral in my neighborhood which annoy me Awfully] but even a lapser like myself cannot help but be impressed that this Polish parishioner has been on the job so loooooong!!

     jesus bless him---i can't imagine serving my township for more than less than half that amount of time.  [mathematical paradox]

     Meanwhile, it was very strange to see Arnold and George W. togethre on the same stage---i had to take a walk to clear my head.  Remember when superman used to visit Bizzaro=world?  Yeh--it was like that.  These truly are the conditions which prevail!  ERGO, my problems are miniscule and Incidental for sure.  {readers, please advise...} 

     Be that as it may and what have you?  This is a stunning entry which will go mostly un=read in "their" Universe...

     "And what do you make of the dog's actions in the night, Watson?"  --Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  you can't say i didn't tell you it would be Wild.  Expound thru Commentary.

     [end of entry?]

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


[second not hit TAB, do not hit TAB]  The music i am listening to is the late Innings of Rocky's favourite game/past=time. 

     Hey, Gang! Where's my posse commentatus?  What am i alone on this one??  It's latin for 'fan=base'.  I think.  Maybe i'll just open a chat=room and be twice as Abandoned!  [laugh here, y'all]

     {entry formal:}  The day was gusty.  i could have made a roll=off entirely from the leaves and needles that blew off from my own yard=trees.  But i just kind of hunkered down in the slack=shack out of the 40 MPH winds!  Yes, i stole my paycheck again today altho' there were some die-hards who braved the coldish breezes and contributed their fair share of branches & crud.  Hearty and hardy, my cuddies--gotta love 'em.  Hane is all up in the base=ball after her nap.  It's a play=off[?] double header.  Me?  I'm gonna watch Enterprise.  I know i'll never get on the sports PENTA=GLOWS!  But then, i never was a JOINER.   Rah--yawn--Rah.

    Meanwhile, even stolid Colonel Don Diego will have to comment on that---OH! i forgot, he's watching the games.  At least the lizard understands...   Girls' basket=ball, women's Tennis, Chess---real sports, n'est=ce=pas?    Advise...

     {end formal entry}

Tuesday, October 14, 2003


the leaves they are a-fallin'.

     And yet what a grand and special day. [WALK THIS WAY, the Original]  It took me awhile to get my crud together and walk down to the new Laundromat at 19th Street with Dad's sea=bag full of my sox and jeans, Hane's fragrant sheets.  Delightful!  [led=zep now]  What i mean is there is nothing more Especial than a clean, brand=new, conveniently walkable L=mat!  Unfortunately, i didn't bring any reading material--not even my own copy of the watchtower?!  Oh, well--there will be many more loads to carry by hand.  Are we bored yet?  Sorry, people, but i do live the simple life.  [STAIRWAY 2 HEAVEN]  Boy, do i ever need a new set of head=fones...especially for this radio=computre.  I'm listening to music as a way to drown out Hane's 'murder, she poofed'.   HHmmmm...maybe Angela Lansbury was the inspiration for the STAIRWAY SONG?!  Commentators, please Advise.  [OOOHHH, here's the Solo--go Jimmy P.]!

    I'm glad i bot that CD!  Love the Laundry 'cos it will Direct your life....'to heaven...'  And now, i must depart [the levee] and smooch=out to all my Readers.    "tomorro is anothre day" --Scarlet O'hara

    i am the slac

Monday, October 13, 2003


Annoying Orange, the colour.

     Yes, Kay is definitely somewhere in Germany--boy is she going to straighten those guys out!  i bet even the governor of Kahl=ifornia will think about shredding his Austrian pass=port.  If it weren't funny, it would be spooky.    And speaking of spooky--the printer she gave me recently talked with my hard=drive and they got along quite well.   But i think the Huey is out of ink...just anothere thing i have to visit the office=depot[brand-name] for. [prepositional ending--errp]    Additionally, Hane has almost fully recovered from the Herculean effort to snip her outer brain=cells [read: hair].  Too bad we'll have to do it again in like FIVE years!  Still, it's greatly appreciated for now.   What a gorgeous day to collect yard=waste!  No pix today, gang, but you could send me some...i promise to only publish the ugly ones!!

     HA=ha! {gurgle} phbft...    gotta wait now for a real communication from Kay, but by all means--Comment on this ordinal and ordinary GLOW.         it's "spooky" like the printer and hard=drive talking to each other...

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Hane Gets a Haer=cut!

Miracle of miracles---Hane gets a hair=cut.

     It was a group effort.  I myself came home from werk expecting only to go out for dinner  but i find Rocky & Maisie working on straightening the Matriarch's thin white tresses.  It [the dinner] was a reservation for 8  at 7 [eight people at 7 o'clock] AT TGIF.  Lou had the shrimp avec june=bug...

     Then, back at home--the haircut was completed as we all talked with Annie=bananie...  Lizard werks better on the land=line AND she provided the conditioner to pull out the last of the 'rackies' in Hane's hair.  [rackies=knots=tangles]  Rocky finished the job, that maisie patiently combed, by actually cutting the Matriarchal tresses about six inches.  Well, i guess you had to be there--but it was quite the accomplishment for an elderly woman who hadn't had a real hair=cut since the last century.  Now if we could just get the Matriarch to take care of what little mop we left her with.  Me? I'm gonna get a coconut before Xmas!  Ha!  Chicken fingers--mmmmm

Wednesday, October 8, 2003

My Mood is: flabbergasted

AS the Chinese might say--we live in Interesting Times.

     I really didn't expect Conan to carry the Golden state; someone from the Cally=contingent please advise.       [insert joke here]     

     So I'm like minding my own business dodging stink=bugs and skeeters at the yard, helpin' the grey set with boxes of yard waste...    but i did happen to listen to Terry Gross's interview on NPR with Bill O'Reilly...   it was like Reality=Radio.  Now, i know she soft-pedalled the previous interview with Al Franken and Bill pointed that out but Wow!  The eminent Mr. O'Reilly seems to be wound a little tight, even for a TV Commentator.   In his favour, Bill held his own for forty minutes and made some good distinctions between reportage and defamation.  In Terry's defense, she did conduct a pretty balanced interview, as always.   [soap=box]:  I might read his book & still avoid his slightly annoying TV show.  Still, i have to listen to Terry at werk becos she is a nice radio interviewer and all i get in the shack is NPR or classic(al) music.         Damn stink=bugs!

     Someday, jay, i'll have links to all this good stuff i merely experience...but for now i have to go check the Penta=Glows.       As always, Read at risk and Comment often--the SLACKINATOR

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

running around

What a beautiful day to run around town like a jumpy ground squirrel with his tail cut off!  Bank, farmacy, other Bank...balky engine...Grocery store  and finally Home.  It must be Tuesday if Hane is all up in paying bills [at her leisure] And i'm all itching at the Nape to accomplish all these gutless errands.  PHEW!     

     i wasn't born to do all this...i kinda fell into it back=wise.   A big shout out to Rocky, Margi & others for dropping into my little=werld.  Mean=while, many of us are more concerned with the health of Roy[attacked by tigre] in Las Vegas than the Recall drama in the west...Not that they aren't equally important?!?!     {Hey, jack--comment as you like...i know that rose Voted!}  what=ever.

     Well, that's about all i have for now.   "pardon me while i whip this out..."  --sheriff Bart, as played by Cleavon Little in "Blazing Saddles".        giggle

                 the Slack


Monday, October 6, 2003

a slightly brighter October

{it's a Glow, it shouldn't Flame}

     Dis=regard previous entry, if you dare. 

     It wasn't warm but it was Sunny.  And all the pretty girls came to drop off stuff at my Lot.  OK--maybe a half dozen.  The chipmunk wanted me to take him home...I'm the biggest nut that ground squirrel has ever seen!  Tatium Striatus i always say...

     I'm going to take a moment and spread some pathos to Jack & Rose and all the other residents of the left coast state of California...tomorro is Election day of sorts.  Good Luck!   So many choices and the worst of which is the first question---gray loves me, gray loves me not.  TO Recall, or Not to Recall--That is the essential conundrum.  After that, well, there's only One Hundred and Thirty-Five choices!!    Again, mozeltov!

     [bells in background]--be assured i am still Atoning the rest of today for the connected sins of myself, my tribe And the werld...          and i'm not really completely jewish--OH well.  It's a mitzvah.                

     [comment on my Glow in a glowing manner]--love to all, peace as well  Slac

Sunday, October 5, 2003

the harvest is in...

frustration--the gates machine took over my entry briefly...       Nevertheless, i sallied forth [with sullied flesh] to date=up my jernal. hmmm

     The tomatoes are green and the cucumbres are small...three bags of yard=waste to take 2 werk.

     There you go.  i should really load=up the microfix just to get rid of the POP=ups  The pooter is Really more trouble than it's werth!  I mean, pisha, how long does it take 4 these technoids to fix their blank CODE???  Pardon me while i leave this page And diagnose my programmes...and while i'm at it, popsters, I AM not going to PAY money 4 your short=lived fixes.  everyone who agrees---comment here or e=mail the Slaquero.  BETTER yet, call me on my Real=fone or send scathing snail=messages.  i'd add some pix but in this 'mood' which i did not choose...             frustrated

     Never mind---i'll probly just quit the whole meshugenah!

           love the like minds

            Slack, slightly put out

Friday, October 3, 2003

The end of That Chicken...

it's my Glow--it's eclectic...'twas Ever thus!   oops--you already read that.

     Well, yes i finished the chicken salad this morning and froze the remainder of the chicken soup; so technically that's the end of that Chicken.  Profuse apologies to the Vegetarians--there's just so much good stuff in white meat for this Human body.

     Rocky called this morning by cell and said,"whatchya doin'?"  She must have some Gramma=hane in her to start a fone conversation in that manner.  Fortunately for Rocky, i recognised her voice.  Any=way, the big news was that Engineering brother is up from Texas for a few days to fix our collectif length and with his peculiar Wisdom.  Haha!  Really--it will be great to have him around for a time; we love him so...

     AAAGGGHHH!  Somebody cut my Hair!  And it cost 16 dollars!  What could be next?  Like maybe i'll shave my moustache for the winter??  OR--maybe shave my entire head of the thin mousey hair that barely covers it?  Radical, yes...Impossible, no.  YOU have been advised albeit crazily.  My Female fans should comment profusely on these possible Out=comes.  [it's only Hair]

     This is taking too long, pointlessly.  Are we sure that we have to write entries every darn day?    well, folks:  comment early and often either about CHICKENS or the State of my hirsuteness.  I only promise to reply against my lesser{hair} Nature....        silly=schlack with smooch

Wednesday, October 1, 2003

almost like a tele=fone

Soooo---these are the conditions which Prevail.

     First and foremost: Thanks to everyone for all the e=mail and Instant Massages.  I am not worthy...ok, maybe i am worthy.  Keep 'em comin'.

    Speaking of IM [which could also stand for "Intentional Misspelling"], please forgive me if i 'sound strange' on the chat=field.  I think faster than i type, i think.  Altho' you all sound just like yourselves.  It's almost like the telephone!  I'll try not to be obtuse or flippant in my IMs---but you can't expect me not to sound crasy.  That's my rep.  And since the 'puter encourages multitasking'... Glowers are bound to be split=minded.  [oops -- there's an IMP now] {see also Instant message Post}  Anyway--i will try to read and understand at a rate equal to the fastness of my fingers.  Yeah--right.

  Futhermore: i have trouble writing in Abbreviati. [exempligratia: lol can mean laugh out loud, lots of love OR little old ladies]  At least to me, i like to compose complete thots before inventing short=cuts.   'nuf said.

     Life is good, werk was cool. More later as i head now to other glows & Enterprise.

     Live long and prospect,  Mr. Slack--science officer

Monday, September 29, 2003

The big two Thousand

     We sure do live in the interesting times.  The California gubernatorial 'race', the Presidential field on the Dem side And the slippery slope of back=pedaling in the current Administration.  Don't get me wrong--i like Don and Condy and Colin...but their bosses at Justice and the Big house are swimming in cloudy waters.  And i think everyone inside the beltway should take a deep breath and look up the word 'Patriot' before they deconstruct the Constitution any much more.  But, that's just me...

     Meanwhile in the Real world: i once said [to myself in print] that,"I know more people that are Dead than i have met."  The original statement was facetious; but now that Greatness is truly behind us, the words have become slightly more prescient.  I noticed the trend a few years ago that famous people were obituating at a good rate.  Not an unexpected fenomenon [intentional misspelling] considering the wideness of reportage and the lowering of the grades of celebrity.  Well--there you go.

     Added thots: There are more people Alive now than there have Ever been!  It's mathematical progression...  I wouldn't be a very good natural filosofer if i did not call attention to that fact.  {every man's Death diminishes me--Dunne}   But as i live i wonder, where are the 900 internet fans who are going to send my hit=counter into the 2K Realm?  It's a small problem in the werld at large for sure...not ego=centered but i must toddle.        [thinking]        Shellac

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Will this Chicken Never Die??

Sunday, lazy Sunday.  Mia sorella bellissima is winging her way alla Italia!  Buona fortuna!  ...oh, Maisie, you're cute too--Sposzeba.  Y'all keep me informed.     Hey rocky! Thanks for dropping in...[commentbytypingalllowercasewithout

spacesandeveryonewillknowyouspecial!]  I crack myself up sometimes.  Is there a pill for that?  Lizard, sand=flea, jay=jay, jeffdaddy, and The Capsizer--send me your poor, your tired, your Scathing comments and e=mail!  How else would i know that i am 'special'?'s a "Journal"...i get it.  Hane switches to base=ball and I am full of home-made chicken soup.  I boiled and stripped that bird just like my old man would have--except without leaving Bones in the soup to suffer on the favourite son!  [i laugh] That chicken should be dead and gone by October--one of the advantages of having a Uranium stomach.  [rambling]  I'd give the recipe, but that would spoil my mysterious demeanour--at least regarding poultry.  I really have nothing else on such a lazy sunday; so off to the better Glows i go!       Ciao tutti!  il slacchistimo

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Chippery Chipmunks

A better day at the yard for sure...not super crasy like last Saturday.  The weather was iffy--misty drops with sun, big drops for minutes at a time, grey skies mixed in the same time with fluffy blueness.  The stink=bugs were out in force, looking for shelter.  And the spiders were laying for them. Yes, an alltogether pleasant Saturday without a thousand customers; just enough work for an iffy day and the occasional pretty girls.

     Of course, everyone remarked about how early i had come.  It's a holdover from taking the bus instead of the car.  But the car goes good when the pilot uses a light touch on the pedals.

     Meanwhile and strangely--i saw Robert Palmer fifteen years ago [at least] in concert, and George Plimpton quite accidentally in a limo five years ago.  May they rest in peace.  Yet it struck me odd that i had seen both celebs within 20 years--and they passed on about the same time.  For just a moment i thot,"What are the odds/chances of that happening?"  And then i applied cold logic: any one person could see or meet two perfect strangers in their life=time; those two people could live werlds apart and still just happen to expire on the same day.   NO conspiracy here.

     Someday soon, i'll make a list of the many famous people i have seen [at a distance] or met [close up]...from Richard Nixon to Jimmy Carter, from the Ramones to Wayne Newton.  It'd be a long list but ultimately of little account; i'm the most famous person I Know!  Haha!

     megalomania aside...A big slackerific shout=out for the better Glows than mine!  Real people, real lives and me just a local yard=jockey...  Maybe i'll add some Poetry next month--that's always a crowd-pleaser.

     Apologies, jay, of the subject: the chipmunks were especially squeaky Today.  comment of all, i am the vitalistic=slackerbacker             end glow entry

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Elemental Synergy

    So I'm like, sitting behind this car at the gas station, and like this middle-aged lady fills up her Camry, y'know  And then she like drives off and i like, pull up to the pump y'know and like the store-girl like asks me, like,"did you pump gas already?"  And i'm like,"No, not yet.", y'know...and so like i follow her into the store and proceed like to like tell them that i was like just Waiting, y'know.             [change of tone] They were very busy and i just needed 10 dollars American of Petrol.  OH--and cigarets.  But i entered an alternate=reality.  The woman ahead of me had surely Inadvertently committed 'theft of service' And i was the perfect Witness.  I have a bad habit of noticing people who cause me ever=slight problems.  So--to the clerk who was operating that Register--i described the Car, the Woman And the License Plate.  The girls behind the desk were noticeably Amazed as i gave them a complete description.  The red-head commented,"We've never got so much information before."  I quietly added,"yeh, kinda remarkable."

     Which has nothing to do with Elemental Synergy.  I merely happened to Notice a lot of stuff; i hope the woman realised her mistake and came back to pay for the Gas.  Otherwise I might hear from the Polizia!!

   And then i got my fuel & cigarets and smoothly, greenly went to werk. [idiosyncratic Spelling]  Werk observable.  Chipmunk skittish; author done.  the slack=master Alternativo

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Very very brief date=up

It's large and it's brief!  Huzzah!  Green-ghost goes good to Laundromat...gotta go check the other GLOWS!  No--i'm not shouting on the 'net.  Comment early and often 'cos i won't post again until tomorro----probly not so large.  and after all,"Tommorow  is   anothre  day." [Scarlet O'hara]

    In the mean=time, Back at the Ranch, some Unrelated pix.               Slaquedero

Monday, September 22, 2003

And yet more crud...

Well, well.  It's not over yet.  I'm writing now before i peruse the other GLOWS; that way i won't get discouraged about my own lack of cleverness!

     So-----i got up and watched my Barnabas.  He's stuck [kind of] in 1840 and Julia's the big time-tripper.  Hane sat around doing puzzles and sucking up the O2.  Then i added some chicken to Saturday's salad, and some chicken Fat to my leftover grits.  And yes i ate a doughnut with my moka-coffee.  Shaved my face and got ready to go to work.  The green ghost, tap tap VROOM, took me to the mid-point convenience store...Where this big black dude was counting out a passel of ones for Raj [the Indian proprietor--not a stereotype at all].  Long story short: the large and tall customer was none other than Daryl Dawkins, late of the pro basketball and currently a coach of a smaller local semi-pro team.  I know----i know, i shoulda got an autograph like all my star-struck relatives.  But there's a good chance I'll run into him again...

      Meanwhile, I'm a bit of a minor celebrity myself for taking all that yard-waste on Saturday.  Public works had to tamp down my bins before the transport to the County facility; Jim [one of my bosses] was impressed.  And then, today, we filled them all yet again.  Only this time i got a small chance to eat my LUNCH!  The salad anyway...  [now i'm listening to my own music]  ONE would think there'd been a tropical storm or something!

     Enough about me!  Off to put out the Garbage and read the Pent=excellent Glows, then Comedy Central movie[High Fidelity] ...   comment if YOU dare, for i am the overly ambitious crud=collecting     slackman

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Utter Madness!

     This is one tired dumpster-monkey.  Everyone in the Township came to drop off stuff and i was so busy directing traffic that i didn't eat lunch--or even listen to the NPR[national public radio].  Trucks & trailers, regulars and stragglers They came...first to fill five roll-offs, then to uberfill them [2PM].  And they kept coming with more and more yard-waste until we Super-uberfilled the bins And you couldn't throw another stick or leaf on top of the mountain of brush and branches.

     The utter madness of all this yard work was caused this year by three factors:  One--it was a really good growing season, lotsa rain and no time to cut...  Two--more rain on weekends than ever, causing the yuppies to put off trimming week after week, altho some regulars did come in the rain...periodically.  And Three--Hurricane/tropical storm Isabel coming through two and a half weeks after Labor Day, thereby clipping and trimming all the Unfinished projects. [hey, if it weren't for Mother Nature, would we do outside work at all?]

     Every muscle in my body aches and every brain cell i had left was wasted on traffic logistics--still, there were no Accidents.  I shoulda had a camera to take a picture of my poor overloaded roll-offs... One cannot say that i stole my paycheck for this week, climbing all over those bins like a madman!

     Meanwhile, off-time, i enjoy reading all the AWOL Glows[blogs] and commenting on the amazing lives of the Authors...Lotsa lotsa Talent out there.  This webthing might catch on.          slack sunday

Friday, September 19, 2003

Billy dodges another Storm

There's not many people who go grocery shopping after a Hurricane.  I am one of them.     "The wind blew, and the crud flew And we couldn't see for a day or two"

     which is why i don't live on a boat!  Isabel was named after one of my Uncle's best brides---so i had little fear of it.  And in my own young life, i have weathered many Storms.  Amazingly Now, even the green ghost[a car] proceeds well in inclement weather.  How pitiful of a grown man[?] to posit and log about Weather!

    No apologies today.  We are far too growed up and filling our faces for that. And besides, who has the time or energy of Regrets?  There are babies to burp and cat=boxes to clean!   We'll get there, Raymond...[Rainman]   and seeing that i'm not listening to music---well, i will include some pictures with my Entry:

     vote me best or Read at risk, share always-------------slacbacmac

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Don't panic--just a Hurricane

     The world is not coming to an end... I've been in much larger weather on the Coast.  Which puts me in mind of the time I almost drowned in mud...  no, not really.

     Apologies: i sent back that Scottish/Irish story because it has no basis in historical fact.  So a big Mea Culpa to Rocky and her friends...

     Hey, Babs!  I beg forgiveness of interrupting your busy life with my Instant Message; but Hey, at least we're all talking again!  You could take me to the Reunion, if Jim and Cat won't accompany...hmmm

     MY fans at the top five GLOWS: pay no attention to the man behind the curtain--my input to your 'blogs' are Spurious at best.  And i haven't even learned how to 'attach' your Titles to my own 'favourite journal' Listing.  Mea Culpa.   Even john scalzi should slap me with a damp Noodle!

     Ignore previous comment.  Hey, lou!  What are you still doing here?  It's just a thing--you didn't expect Shakespeare just yet, did you? [rhetorical]  And you almost missed H-cane Bob altogether while i muddled through with your brightest son!

   And seeing as all that is in the past and nearly Regrettable...why am i still entering in this journal?  Hey!  Because it's foxtrot Fun!   Madness--it is contagious; just ask the Matriarch.

    Stay the course with Aunt 'Isabel'; there is many and much time to Revolt after the Week=end. [sorry Lou, had to use the equal sign!]

    Also, and furthermore---Rosemary, Danny & Ann might contact us after the 'averted' Disastre.   Grandma Hane was the original "Survivor".  Everybody: send stuff!   Especially during a Cyclone!

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

There has to be a Subject??

     Alright, already--I promise, John, to keep my entries case-sensitive and brief.   Also, and furthermore I swear to spell correctly hereafter.  What a conundrum!   It's just so obsequious and perpendicular.

     Also and moreover, I will try to be less conversational and more narrative; apparently noone wishes to read a Journal which takes shortcuts.

     I went to work and accomplished my provided tasks.  Then I came home and 'surfed the Web' on my  home computer.  Some of the Journals I perused were quite efficacious and illuminating.  Do I sound like a teacher of English yet?  Please ignore the previous comment because it was both cynical and uncalled for.

     We do inhabit a bizarre world, do we not?  Yes, again, I perceive the question to be rhetorical as well as nearly self-explanatory.  If I spent all my journalistic life composing in this fashion, I would go mad!  And in short order, I might add.

     The author of this particular entry does not wish to be obsequious or verbose, but there you go.  If we were to all write in this fashion, the 'fad' of Web journaling would die an unhappy death.    

     Forgive my untimely exit; I am communicating

with my favorite relative.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


[i will not use ariel ten, repeat]

     Wow!  Just look at that last entry!  what was all that about?  [rhetorical]  Good thing i don't own a cell=fone.

     It's nice today but i stole my paycheck yesterday with all that rain. [weather comment]  Ok, OK--y'all should go to awol keywerd Journals and see all the wonderful GLOWS i lookt at.  I would 'link' them but i'm too busy trying to write my own entry---it's a reader/writer thing.  Damn these pop-ups...i still haf to upgrade and date-up the 'putre.  Oh, yeah, the subject: Hurricane Bob was really cool at the beach cottage.  Lizard and Jazzy jeff came up that weekend [1991] only to find the Electric out and Uncle Jimmy's mazda less than reliable [also electric].  We muddled thru with Malcolm's rotting bluefish and cooking other stuff on the gas was the inspiration for 'Survivor'!  Hah!  No, really, lizard was brave to read by candle=light and jeff got her to the bus=line on time. [we were all so young]  Uncle Lou was so jealous of our especial fone like lizard's rents.  But the eye was so QUIET!  Re-cooled beer is almost as tasty as coffe with real milk, after five days of deprivation.  [electricity is only a thing--but cousin wilbur was an angel to start the Mazda and dump my maggot=ridden bluefish.]  Coffee tastes better with real milk, thereafter.

     Isabel, the Hurricane, is named after my most wonderful connecticut won't be that bad.  But that's just me.  OH!  Remember, if a man ever gets pregnant, you're apt to see it first on the Weather Channel; becos that's where all the pregnant meteorologists hang.  Pass this forward, because it's true.

    Post and comment often...someday i'll be in the top five GLOWS.         theslack


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