Sunday, May 30, 2004

Title: Puzzle Perfect


Music: putre hum


Mood: Breezy and/or Sunny


They came in trux, they came

with trailers. They came in big

and small cars, loaded with

yardwaste. It was so busy

overloading the roll-offs

yesterday that i didn't listen

at all to the radio...and i

didn't help but a few oldsters

because i was too occupied

directing the traffic. And at

the end of the day, as i some

times say,"You could not get

another stick on."


For my especial Memorial Day

message, I am simply going to

quote two persons: One who

preserved this federation at the

most difficult time in its History,

and One who made New York

his home even as dozens of

government employees were

calling for his deportation.

[both men were slain by deranged

assassins.] First, Mister Lincoln

with that sublimely ironic and

antithetical statement:

"...The world will little note nor

long remember what we say here.

But it can never forget what they did

here." And yet, the world does

have problems with such True &

Honourable memory...there are

still wars. Second, John Winston

Lennon had this to say during the

turbulence & upheaval of the late

1960s: "All we are saying is give

Peace a chance." This simple

refrain has its own resonance

through all such times. Today



Praise a Veteran today and tomorrow

because some of his/her heroes

rest underground. Moreover, we

are still producing Veterans now.

Lincoln & Lennon would be truly

disappointed. Had they lived.

Friday, May 28, 2004


I lookt up Akira Kurusawa and

found out he was Japan's

premier filmmaker. Most

notably he directed The Seven

Samurai [which was later made

into the famous American

Western, The Magnificent

Seven]. Aside from Horst

Buchholtz & Brad Dexter, can

any=one name the five

remaining stars of that Western?

[Hint: only one of the original

cowboys is alive today]. It's

not really an Assignment.


Cherry Tomatoes! Hane must

have the cherry tomatoes! She

is all on the salad kick. And

personal sized frozen pizza.

That^ is the great grandma

food craving date=up.


The pentaGlows this week have

featured semi-professional

movie reviewers. Pretty good

all=to. [The last movie i saw

in the theatre was Star Trek:

Generations~~i have so got to

go to the video store and get

some videocassettes.] But

meanwhile, thank gosh for cable.


I wondre where Thelma & Louise

are at...right now. Cruising back

to the big windy, i suspect. Flo

informs me that she and her kids

were dancing to the CD i gave her.

That is hard for me to visualise;

I don't dance to my own music.

{i know~i walk to my own drum

machine} And i can also whistle

chromatically. There ya go.


HEY! Holy crud! Mr. Kurt Vonnegut

was in the environs this past

Monday and i failed to see him!

[i was @ werk] He is one of my

heroes. Some=day, some=how

we should bump into each other.

The slackster can have a small

hope like that, n'est çe pas?


It is the weathre which is good,

currently. And there are no ugly

bugs in my backyard...yet. They

would be the Brood X cicadas

for those of you who follo such

occurrences. But i hear they are

out in force round these parts.

{That^ would be the weather


Sports> Flyers do not win the

Stanley Cup; maybe next year.

We can only believe that Smarty

Jones, the horse, will make Bucks

County proud next Saturday.

But i'm not the one to jinx his

third race. GO Phillies. And

Mets & Yankees...[Hi, Rocky!]


Poison Ivy? I cultivate it for the

itching. ALWAYS duct=tape your

wrists when pulling. And wash

with laundry soap.

{Eclecticism? Captain Vide

inwented it.} Or so says Mister

Chekhov. OK, already! You

can have Steve McQueen and

James Colburn. [James Garner

was not one of the Magnificent

Seven.] flip on the flip and i will

bounce currently: slacbac

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Confluence, part Two.

It was the hottest darn day of the

year and here we were travelling

in a station wagon with no Air


Oh! Wait! That's the story of

every vacation i took as a child.

All=right, half the vacations.

{Start again}

I was sitting on a park bench

outside the local Barbecue joint

waiting for Dancer & her dafter.

They had trouble finding the place

becos i hadn't really sent them good

instructions. OR rather, i hadn't

sent them any instruxions at all!

Very bad on me as the host of such

a grand confluence. Less=the=never

i knew their car when it pulled into

the parking lot & they knew me just

by looking. We sat together under

a large umbrella waiting also for the

Queen of Pointlessness---and talkt

a blue streak at each other. (there

is something Exceptional about

having a real live conversation with

peoples you have simply met has the cachet of

Celebrity without the awkwardness

of speaking to total strangers.)

Dancer talkt the Queen to our

location via cell=fone [which i do

not advise or endorse]. At which point

the reader may ask,"did all this really

happen?" To which i reply,"Could

i make this up, Hans?"

{start again} They were four geeks

bearing gifts. Four differentiated

individuals coming togethre on a whim,

flying in the collectif faces of the noon

time crowd. The bright sunshine belied

their hidden agendas; for it was a

neoclassical clash of Humanity with

Technology. Who was real and what

would they say? Would there truly be

a cat=fight over the tall & elegant

Captain Wide? And where was Vince,

the legendary and loquacious ART

HISTORY vampire?? Crud! That was

an episode of Buffy meets Xena!


{especial restart:}

We ain't stalkers, we're just talkers.

Only the digital pictures can tell the

real story. It was the hugs & the

smooches, the over=riding lafter.

WE finisht our barbecue and ice cream

lunch, and a lovely couple at the next

table stoppt us on the way to the

cashier~~"I've never heard so much

laughter in one place recently...", the

wife said. I told her without much irony,

"We've all just met." The husband

added information about their age

difference [5 years]. I asked him,"What

took you so long to propose?" The

wife chimed in,"He was in the War..."

{God bless all the Veterans} That

couple has 50 years together and they

were extraordinary Witnesses to the

confluence of Glowers. Mumsy, Mae,

Flo & the Slac took in the nearly

vacant environs of the faer=grounds,

posed for digital images and rode off

in all directions. The man in the blue

car with the dog did not quite notice

History in the Making. But he was

pleasant enough. 'Twas ever thus.


Did it happen? OR, was it all a dreme?

Define your terms. [starting with 'it']

All i know for sure is that, if Mumsy &

Floralillia tell you that they're coming to

meet you, these girls are the serious and

there is no place to hide. And why would

you hide any=way? The love, the lafter,

the earnestness will wash over you like

a tide of horse=shoe crabs. OR maybe

brood X cicadas. Trust me~~i was there.


5/26/2004 What a difference a day makes

weatherwise. Yesterday was as b'ful a

day as any confluence could muster;

today was cold, grey & just plain blah.

It's raining now. Well, at least the water

should be good for my tomaters & such.

It was kinda spooky going back to werk

so soon after the ephemeral Visitation;

almost like they were two different days

in two different centuries or something.

And you thot ding-dang dell pooters

wouldn't alter consciousness. OR at

least i didn't think so... Any=way,

I'm off to check my e=mail for wedding

pictures [HINT*HINT] and other schtuff.

And take the Glow Road wherever &

whoever it leads me. Quote me but

don't Denote me~~El Capitan, widely

Tuesday, May 25, 2004




Today's especial psychic quiz goes

like this: If you could sit down

with Captain Wide at a diner and

order any type of ice cream,

what flavour would you be?


I will now attempt to make a few

predictions about three of my

reliable reader=glowers...

[mystical music, incense...]

fog lifting~answers coming

BabyMae: french vanilla

ooh la la

Dancer: chocolate nut fudge

not indulgent at all

Floralillia: plain vanilla

the queen adds,

"If they can screw up regular

vanilla, it's not a good diner."


coming out of trance...

why am i grinning?

And what does this have to

do with filosofy?


Sometimes a road=trip is

just a road=trip.


Saturday, May 22, 2004


What Does a Dumpster

Monkey do on a Saterday

evening after a long day

of collecting yard=waste?


Why, he digs up his own

garden to plant tomatoes,

peppers & cucumbres...

of gourse.


The parents of the Bride

were good enuf to drop in on

all of us as they wend their

way back to the Left Coast...

God bless them, becos alot

of the rest of us are still

recovering from one of the

Grandest parties of all time.

Mean=while i am fervently

hoping some pictures pop up

in my e=mail tomorro; other

wise it'll be just another

SlackBack Sunday. Not that

that's a bad thing...


Some=time soon i will have

a chocolate malted milkshake

with friends~~and mellow out

for the Remainder of Schpring.

And watch my plants grow...

HEY! But that's just about what

Captain Wide was about to do

Any=way! Funny how the Web

reality intersects with normal

plans @ length.


{i am not the first person to

notice this^} And until the

next such time as i post more

and better pix & stuff~~GO

Some=Place else already!

My Glow is a virtual dead=end.

Honestly. chekme but don't

elek me, i'm Gardening

darnit! lata

Friday, May 21, 2004

Passing 6000

i made a good entry yesterday

but inadvertently dumpt it.


now that we are home, there

is much to do.


Like: mowing the lawn, pulling

the weeds & planting my

paltry vegebles [vegetables].


The air=conditioner is in good

werking order.


There were almost 200 people

at that wedding; i am waiting

with beaded breadth for pix.

Meanwhile, the top of this entry

includes a foto from Annie's

Engagement shower.


{i hope} lata

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


Title: Swapping Stories


One of the great things about having a

big fambly get=together [aside from all

the travelling, dancing & whatnot], is that

evybody gets to share their favourite

collectif stories again with the assembled

company. Anne & Matt's Wedding was

no exception to this rule. Hane and i had

many hours on the road with Dan & Eva

to revisit their childhood stories of the

original Maisie [Hane's Mom] as well as

other shared experiences. And Aunt Eva

was effusif with incidents from her bright

life. She is well joined to our Fambly

and more=over, she drives a mean Buick



Dan's dafter, Janice, enlightened us with

her stories as well~~especially a well acted

rendition of my sister May's visit to a zoo

at which her boys were exposed to some

amourous giraffes. The story was new to

me and i had trouble imagining my sister

trying to protect her baby boys from the

perfectly natural zoological behaviour.


Kay [my other sister] and Harry also had

much to contribute in the way of stories.

And seeing as i travelled with them in the

area of Albany, we also made some new

experiences to recollect @ a later time.

{Hey! Harry~remember when we fit six

people into a Beemer?!}


There were 5 of us siblings alltogether at

this event, and that's a rare thing by

itself. In fact, the last time it happened

was at the Capsizer's wedding in Texas.

Only~this time~we had the Matriarch

along as well. Talk about a foto=op!

Meanwhile, the story we reconstructed

briefly was about the time the Father of

the Bride [Jac] was a young Marine and

retrieved some tennis balls from the

roof of the Funeral Home and jumpt

across a great 2nd floor divide into

the waiting hands of his two boyish

brothers [me & Jimmy]. Hane still

hasn't heard this was both

perilous & dangerous. Never mind---

we survived that incident and grew up

long enuf to celebrate Anne's Nuptials.


I could go on~~yet i missed as many

stories as i heard. Like all the schtuff

Rose [Mother of the Bride] and her

siblings share collectively when they

get together. OR, the multitudinous

tales of cousinly adventures that only

Annie & the Lizard share with their

related Contemporaries. Not that we

wouldn't equally enjoy the next set of

generational stories...we are only

separated by time and periodic

deafness. Did i mention that the

event itself will naturally and surely

produce new & interesting observations

which become the schtuff of Legend?

{Of gourse, 'Twas ever thus}


Speaking of Recovery:

Toni is still at home with round the

clock familial nursing; Todd is still at

the hospital on a step=down from

critical. It's a Mitzvah currently that he

is eating Jello [brand=name] and taking

liquids on his own; some of his wounds

are taking sweet time to heal and for

Him, it is simply the middle road of

total recovery. So~if you are of the

blessed mind to Pray hard for them, as

well as the many Troops in the field

and their worried families, go to it.

My candles are already lit for all---

it's just a thing i do.


Godspeed & Good stories until True

Peace comes to our Werld~~ slac

Sunday, May 16, 2004


Title: Flight of the Navigator


Sunday, already? Hane & myself

have just completed the road

trip which took us to Annie's

[and Matt's] wedding in Albany.

This is one reason for the lapse

of Glowing. Hane's brother Dan

& his lovely wife Eva were kind

enuf to tote the two of us all

the way up there~~and miracle

of miracles! All the people that

the happy couple wanted to

attend this especial event made

it, one way or t'other. It is

rumoured that almost 200

people took advantage of the

hospitality offered by the West

Coast contingent [Rose & Jack,

parents of the Bride]...and the

Carr fambly, who provided the

lucky Groom. The Carr fambly

is local to the environs and

were expressly helpful in

providing a somewhat central

location at which all our sides

could attend. And altho i

personally only met a few of

the Groom's relatives and

friends, i am eternally grateful

for their presence & partici=



To say it was a wonderful

event all=together would be

a gross understatement.

It has to be one of the top

five Nuptials in my Fambly to

which it was my great Honour

to attend. [And, no, i will not

attempt to rank the remaining

four...] B'ful, Wondreful, B'ful

do not begin to describe.

But i will try to write more

about it as my travelling car

lag subsides. What a blast!

What a Party! What a Life!

Even Lou had a good time.


I don't know which is better...

Spending brief & heightened

Celebrations with all the

Loved ones @ once, OR

finally returning Home to

rest & recover from all the

sensory overload of such a

life=affirming Experience!

WE {evybody} will process it

each in our own fashion...


{It may be Remembered of

me that, I would go anywhere,

Do anything, move the Heaven

and earth to make such things

both happy & Inevitable}

But for right about Now and

presently, i have to take a Nap,

wash my body And return to

werk as i know it.

Blessings! on Anne & Matt and

their Fabulous union!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Title: The Gorgeous Day, all=to


Humility is my strong suit and i

Love to brag about it.

Eloquence, in me, is secondary and

accidental. OR maybe it's a gift.

Altho' this Glow has brot out some

of my simpler talents...

{Nature of the Beast?}

Regardless, i encourage all my gal

pals to dry they eyes & pull up they

schtockings~~there is so much

Glowing to do in this Merry Merry

month. Ask any=body.


Speaking of which, i was the grand

progeny yesterday, cooking scrambled

Eggs with ketchup for my Mater

familiaris in the morning And helping

Hane with such matters which struck

her mind during the day. WE had a

fair number of well=wish calls from all

our blood-relatives. But Hane was not

exactly receiving at her best. [She was

sleepy & slightly 'under the Weathre']

AS take=carer, i gave equal points to

all the Visitories. Cat & the kids did

especially drop by with chocolates...

Yet the grand=mere was mostly unconscious

and sucking up the Oxygen. {I trust she

is saving her Energies for the upcoming

Wedding} never mind~~we are so much

ahead of our Plans, that we are nearly

Collectively standing behind ourselves.

OR something like that^


Meanwhile, my Monday @ werk was

gorgeous and fruitful even if i say so

myself. Bright sun, fair winds & the

filling of five roll=offs eventual...

And there is no more greater Purveyor

of yard=waste than Captain Wide, when

he eschews Humility on the cause of

its Becoming.


...It is now the Tuesday and as usual

it is with the much running around.

Oxygen! Bread! Gasoline!

The widow Mary's lawn to cut!

Incomplete exclamatory sentences!

Any=way, the weather is now

summerlike. 'Bout time. I'll be cool

if i keep remembering to slather on

the sunscreen. More on the 'morro

perhaps~~slac & humble too

Saturday, May 8, 2004


Title: Flowers for All...


IT is the Mother of all days.

It's Mothers' day. Could i

possibly posit a message which

would glorify & celebrate the

Eternal essence of woman=hood?

I don't think so. Birth is at once

ordinary & Miraculous. And yet,

None of us can remember or

recall a single event in brief life

so Personal and efficacious to

continuous Existence~~more

over, what woman comes to

this cathedral not knowing that

life thus engendered is brief &

precious, followed strangely by

the Mystery that every thing

born & bourne...must perish

some=day @ last? To birth of

dying, or to die eventually in

the presence of grown yet

Memorable children!?! OH!

Faint & special mystery which

Men by their nature must endure

and attempt to ignore. The baby

is our spawn, the wife and mother

Our superific Companions...

[without which Our existence is

neither True nor Understandable]

And so, when we talk of Motherly

love, natural men are slight

Understanders of the Grace &

magnitude which surrounds them!

These are my Blessings on all the

Mothers who have ever been:

As G is our invention, we wouldn't

exist without the Bearers of Life;

Or else, We should have to invent

HER. Happy Mothers' Day to all

these grand Angels of Life.


Celebrate that^ without

equivocation! Mercies as well on

the children who have departed

their Mothers before their time--

In War, in violence, in sudden

departure by accident or Acts

of man or G-d. Pray that all

should be reconciled &

justified & rejoined in that

brighter werld Here=after.

Remember, remember~~in spite

of Ourselves, we are all travelling

in the same Direction.


And speaking of sappy: Yes,

i was one of the Billions of

people who watcht the finale

of Friends. The strange and

ironic part is I never watcht

a single episode end to end

while it was on~~I just didn't

get it. Just not my cup of

mocha i guess. OH, well.

Plenty of other junk to watch

said Captain Wide... lata

Thursday, May 6, 2004


Title: Bangers & Dippers

NO, really, that's just what i

had for breakfast...sweet

Italian sausages & fried

eggs. With toast.


And try and post

a picture without using

the kodiak. Or, as they

say at the particle accelerator,

"Here goes Nothing."

Wednesday, May 5, 2004


{You can still call me Captain Wide...}  Appreciata to all my Visitories!  And happy happy Cinquo de Mayo.  Yes, it fell on the fifth again this do they do that?  The weather & the werk have improved incrementally; that is, the sun shone today and i only filled four bins.

Tomorro, i will post more with pictures yet.

Encouragements...        slack[wide in mind only]

Monday, May 3, 2004


Title: The drippy drippy dé...

I have the two minds of the rain;

Like a cat i deplore getting wet.

But like a dour filosofer, i admire

when the weathre matches my

mood. That is, i don't like it to

be sunny all de time. It

complacents [?] the natural

mind...or somesuch.


Toni is at home under much

supervision; Todd is cranky

because he is tubular. He very

much wants to be disconnected

from the paraphernalia which is

at once uncomfortable and yet

necessary. At least the big G

is doing the part of providing

major & minor miracles for them

both. Long road...


On the good news: the wedding

of Annie & Matt is proceeding

anonce and taking on a life of its

Own [like all weddings do].

Planning, planning, planning;

talking, reserving, gelling.

It looks, currently, to have the

makings of one of the grandest

parties our collectif Famblies have

ever witnessed. Blessings and

Progress all=to... And more

schtuff as the actual day arrives.


On the webwerld~~just when some

storms are subsiding, other squalls

pop up. I refer to the so=called

sassy virus. I hope to stay far away

from it, currently. But my political

message to the private contractors

who created the bug and to the bad

characters who are abusing their

Authority in the sandbox is identical:

Cut the Crap! You get no points

from Captain Wide or any of his myriad

followers for behaving like third grade

ignorant bullies. There are enough real

problems for Angels & Avatars to

handle without you A=frames stirring

up the collectif shunky. And that goes

for actual terrorists as well. Consider

yourselves Warned.


{oops---gotta watch the vagaries for the

sake of all the good kids^}

It's the weather, the leading news &

the lesson of the day. Oh! Yeah~~

where are my space=poets?

Never mind, i will accept all grand

and glorious Visitations as they come

in... we'll Paint, we'll Pote, we'll Posit

and we will ponder=ificate. Hey, it's a

Mitzvah. Thus it was and so,

{who fixt my wideness?} 1slack>


Sunday, May 2, 2004


And the 23rd Entry, 5th line Reads thus: "And then to werk with the adequate ghost-car."    [incomplete sentence]

Saturday, May 1, 2004


Title: Ahh, Spring!


Am i not Averse & contrary?


First~~my shouts go out to

all the Especial spring=Glowers!

Birds & Bugs & Flowres how i

wish i had a digi-cam! They

shame my brief and funky

paintings. Plus, they seem to

love the Nature more than me.


And then there's my reticence

to join all the Assignments

going on. It's not that i don't

have Offerings to contribute but

most of you know how lazy i can

be. {This includes not doing the

haiku, every=day} Sometimes i

get stuck inside my paltry Mind...

more=over i remember the Groucho

rule of Abstaining to join any club

to which you have been specially

invited. Reticence, like back=pay

can be a bollox...


SO~~you say, Where's my Captain

Wide? He still patrols these parapets

of Virtue & Action. {Twas ever thus.}

And therefor, if you all still hang,

I will offer a long joke of my own

Devising AND a spacy-pote from my

friend, billy forbes:


The joke: There was this country boy

who had a wife & two children, one of

each sex. So the time came when the

Father sent his son to college to study

Meteorology. Now, long about the time

when the son would graduate, the proud

Father got this letter,"Dear Folks, Your

little boy is about to Gradjeate this fine

Universty with a degree in Meteorology...

What puzzles me is that in all this time

I have learnt about isobars & stormfronts

But we have never ever studied a single

Meteor. Love, Junior" The proud Father

wrote back,"That's alright, son...I've ben

a Engineer for 15 years and I have never

had to listen to a single complaint from a

Native Americain." Time passes and the

daughter goes to get a degree in

Cosmetology. After two years of study the

girl writes her parents,"Momma, Poppa,

I have been at this skool for a long time and

altho' I have learnt a lot about facials and

manicures and haircutting, We have never

ever even looked at a single Comet. I hope

I am not a disappointment to my family."

The proud Father had some trouble replying

to the letter from his daughter, so he handed

it over to his pure & simple Wife. The proud

Momma replied,"That's alright, dear...we

are still proud of you. Still, I have ben a

nurse for ten years in these parts and You,

your daddy & your brother are the only

people who have tasted my Milk."


And, Now~~the space=pote:


by billy forbes 4/13/79


Penlight blasting across the galaxy

radiating the sun to shreds

of atomic fusion molten supernova

sang to the piano, wrote to a volume

lived and partied, made a sacrifice

or many all along the way

hoping and wishing for fame one day

drew under colour, filed metal down

framed and haunted by the greats

tearing fragments of scalp from their place.


He drugged himself to death blowing night wind, he fell upon a crevice that sucked him in

when it gets so much better

he will send you a letter--But until then be kind

speak softly to the Ears without rhythm

hear that voice filled with nonsense

Hold the hand that he trembles so

let him live to love and know...


Your heart is true and steady as a well-steered vessel, make your mark on his days as he grows old

feel the heaviness of the pen he manipulates

pierce the skin beneath well-sharpened skates

alone in the dusking old star he should hate

while you are trying silence to mend the years

to fix his groaning gears for most to hear.

----------------not abridged----------------------

Mercies if you have to read

wide...Comments not so much so>


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