Monday, September 15, 2003

Two Feet High and Rising

Once again: the bloggers of record have it all over wonders me how i could live so long and not be half as interesting as a teen-age girl or a divorced mother of One.  Yes the 'putre makes a nice Radio while one puts out the stinky garbage--where was I?

     It was so wet at the yard that nearly no-one showed up.  On days like this i catch up on my own sense of 'clipping'.  Santana said that those who do not learn from History are condemned to repeat it.  So why exactly do people still read newspapers?  They are filled with ancient mistakes and novel permutations of human Cruelty.  Did i just say my mood was 'silly'?

     Babies! Babies! Everywhere...i wish i had some of my own.  Jennifer must look especially Beautiful right now and we probly won't make the showre [hane is just learning how to clean her own Shunky] but We love the love which is passing thru the Generations.

     Mushroom pizza??  Hane should concentrate on larger issues...yet her Madness is finer and more funky than my own!  Kay pondered,"it looks like a bomb went off in here"  And that was after i got rid of Mac's brown collapsible chair!

     If there's a point here, it escapes me 'becos i learned from the Best.  It therefor makes me an alltogether incomplete child of their Union.  [some answers only reveal themselves after--well, after]   Kay should move as fast to the Continent as her stylish legs can carry Her...[when will you realise, Vienna waits for you?]

     Irregardless of previous--the Slack is still waiting for the internet pictures of Rocky's graduation and other pictures.  I'd be less impatient if i didn't own so many cameras.   But then there you go.  Hane is watching her Columbo repeat and i have to 'retire'.  Maybe tomorro there will be less rain.    one-hopes   El Slacko

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Once again: the bloggers of record have it all over wonders me how i could live so long and not be half as interesting as a teen-age girl or a divorced mother of One"

makes me wonder too ...some people don't take the time to look, until they really see, i suppose..


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