Title: Rhymes with Switch
Answer: Glitch
Observation: "Regard Fame as a
fickle mistress; she will dance with
you for a time...then disappear as
quickly as she joined you."
Saturday, 31 July, 2004
It pondres me not that my Counters
have been compromised. This is a
pretty old jernal. Creaking along
like the green=ghost on 8.0 and
updialing like a lumbering buffalo,
she was bound to feel the stress of
frequent Visitation. As a filosofer,
i have only two theories---
(1) The slack=site was truly visited
by about one million peoples around
the werld, and thus reset...OR
(2) A person or persons unknown
accidentally or purposely changed the
random numbres for reasons unknown.
In the first case, i would reply:
"Glad 2 Meet You All! I am whelmed
over. Love & smooches, werld!"
In the second case, i would reply:
"Mathematics is a strange & beautiful
thing. Quod erat Demonstrandum.
Now, try a better Way which doesn't
bump or shun ordinary people."
Either way, no sweat off my Glow.
Less=the=never, i won't dwell on it
because it is a minor thing.
{Explanation 3: Hane droppt something
off the Server which struck the snakes
of the fone=lines~~she just admitted that.}
AND speaking of shunkies, i had a full day
at werk...but it was too hot for the cuddies
to go ape=crasy. Five bins full. Cold gift
sodas were plentiful. And i did manage
to bring three bags of my own.
Is tomorro Sunday already? You'll catch me,
maybe, doing even more yard=werk after
the puzzle, or catching up on sea=bag
laundry. PLUS+ i have a ham hock to steep
and beans to soak for soop~like right now.
[my ham bean soop takes two or three days
to get just right.] OH! Yeah! If i haven't put
you 2 sleep by now---Go visit my girls & the
Anniversary sites! They rock!
{i post pretentiously only to allay my brief
Celebrity} A singular Slack^
Post=script: my favourite # is zero