Alert Level 2...
Station Guarding & Fervent
Stand=By. Carry on.
Mumsy must be in Chrysalis
mode. Which means WE will
be Amazed by her next
Transformation. Advise this
page of Butterflies & else^
November 22, 2004...
John Kennedy was a young
President killed by a nervous
psychopath in Dallas many
years ago. And although much
water has passed under that
bridge, the Event is fixed in the
historic memory. And still affects
an aging generation. Just ask
the Chairman of the Judiciary
committee. OR, anyone who
attended the opening of the
Clinton library. I'm pondering
things that happened while most
of my panties were rubberized.
Never mind~we still grieve of that
horrible occurence. PRAY our lives
today force that violence to the back
water of Human Consciousness.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Giving Thanks! As i bounce the many
pages i find that most of my peeps are
planning a moderate or lesser Feast.
That's a good thing! Who really needs
to cook a 30 pound turkey for two dozen
people or less? Altho~i'm not going to
fault the great cooks who do it up right
and get raves from all their invited
guests. G bless 'em! And, when everyone
is collapsed on that communal couch,
loosening their belts, sleepily watching the
Ball=Foot Game...Take a slight moment
to remember our ancestors who escaped
Persecution 2 find a New Werld. OR
the far flung soldiers who have sacrificed
more than a leg or wing to safeguard our
Ability to Celebrate. Their blood has paid
for our Gravy. And we are all still fighting
for the Freedom. Pause in prayer as you
battle with your own elders about how
the left=overs should be Refrigerated.
Tomorrow~they might forget you alltogether,
Or fight resolutely 2 stay in their own home
which they made for you. Better yet,
regard the small faces with shining eyes
who believe after such a filling dinner that
"Santa is Coming, tomorrow!"
{even tho, Xmas is a month away}
Remember that you were just as precocious
a child. Their future is open=wide, like
their pupils. Kiss them fervently.
Take a picture~it lasts the long.
And fortunately, the Camera captures all
the subtlety which i have Described.
Beauty, Truth & Gratitude.
The delicious food is also good.
{Enjoy the Day~there's only 364 others}
Well, we all know I'M not one of those planning Thanksgiving in moderation. However (as you know) my sister has straightened me out...and the most important part is to have her (and the other sister too) at my side. You give us much to remember in thanks...and much to remember in prayer.
The PilgrimSlac would be so welcome at our table, anytime. I have to add that I am thankful for our little journal-jesting relationship, I do appreciate your comments, your support, your responding to my ranting IM's and your artistic depictions of various dramas in my life (you have done 2, you know).
Love & thanks,
Karyn Turkey Breath
Awww~Tweren't Nuffin.
Gratitudinal smooches on evybody!
"Better yet,
regard the small faces with shining eyes"
you, the luminous slac, as always.
wonderful succulent entry, bf. - enjoy the day!!
the teary, smiling queen.
Thanks for the update Slac...
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :-)
Well said, Slac. I like your blend of wit and reverence. Missed this journal!
Slac, so slac of you to remember JFK....he seems no longer relevant to the media.
JFK is a personal hero and always will be. A great man in spite of his flaws. A small prayer for him, Jackie and John John. At least they're together now.
omg ...OMG.....I LOVE IT....WHO ARE YOU. HMMMM.....pondering that myself as i sit here...gorgeous stuff you got goin on .....really..
(Pondering Thoughts I and II *)
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