Friday, January 13, 2006


Wednesday, 11 January, 2006...

I have been dreaming of dogs & dinosaurs.

Which is very strange considering i have Never

owned a dog and it's been Weeks since i last saw

a proto=reptilian. These dremes take place in one

of two (2) locations: around my next mansion OR

at some theme=park for dopplic advocates...

Alright~it was just that one dreme but i did enjoy

being in it. The Water was trickling & the pooches

were smoochy. From what i remembre...

eliptical prologs! with dreaming^

Theme: Porch Palavering

emotion: gregarity with humour

Audible Interlude: Country music tone=rings???

Videografic Reference: LLOYD HAINES

Ratio: caveats per Kennedy

Thursday, 12 January, 2006...Two

styles of hair have i---glaringly short OR wispily

wild. To=day, i opted for the former. I probly won't

need another cut for six (6) month. Why didn't any

one tell me my ears were this big? *snip*snip*

Cat brang some people by to look over the haus...

Contractors who would retrofit the shack at good

cost for fair flip. {i had my chance to learn this art

in the eighties from Kay & Ron, but opted for bingo

and concerts instead. Self=Kick} Nice people.

Friday, 13 January, 2006...Well, i know

i didn't break no mirrors over black cats walking

under ladders while schpilling salt! X myself & spit

on the ground, knock=wood. And like Frederic March

in that movie,"I don't believe in things which I don't

believe in." [redactif parafrase^] i could mention

Franklin Roosevelt in this same=self paragraf but i

believe, by now, he has overcome fotoperambulaphobia.

[the general Fear of having your picture taken while

riding in a wheel=chair] WE make the luck we have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of Course!!


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