[one more re=post fromone (1) year ago...~Author~]
Original posting 6/27/And4>
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Yesterday i droppt the Shunky;
Today [Sunday] i droppt the
muffler on the Green=Ghost!
Which is werse?
A shunky schpill can be cleaned
up with white vinegar & a mop.
A muffler drop is a little more
Complicated. Note: bungee
cords are not the best cradle
for a fallen muffler; the rubber
will burn thru eventual.
Funny how the old cars & the
old ladies make one Resourceful.
{Angels of Mercy~~do not send
me into this epoch again!}
Apparently, most of the pictures
i post are both old & corrupted.
OR there is a bumpy=bug in
Kodiak land. No matter~i've been
sending some of my better pix to
my popular Readers. Heck!
The Dancer has a whole file full.
Up=the=Shot: if you get a clean
bitmap or jaypeg from slack,
use it well & resolutely~~at
least until i learn how to make
Entries as good & large as the
real fotoGlowers! {And you know
who You are.}
Meanwhile, Floralilia is culling the
Nuggets of wisdom from the Glow
werld in her secondary journal...
AND it is well werth visiting and
commenting on. {I am biased becos
i know her & the Queen has also
saved a passel of my observati...}
Nevertheless, Bounce to Her on
account of~~we are Simpatico.
Flip her off not Casually! Flo is
crusty on the out but squishy on
the centre...Plus+ she has the
long memory of all things^
Thereyago. Hans! Vince! Viv!
Desert=Dawg! Check them all~
They are my posse; And if they haf
blue=links, go there as well.
That's how i find the good glows.
{I am always purple wherever i
Flit & Flip} I would endorse the
Muse as well but she is also one
of my mentors. Well=met,
well=read. Monday, i am the bus
and Calling the auto=shop,
Slackashirt 6/27/2004
^end of repost supra=annual^
Sunday, 26 June, 2005...
Thot: "if you are lacking for a
good idea, read back=wise and
reiterate; you might stumble
onto some Inspiration."
Title: Lost on the Trail...
Mood: guardedly summerific
Weathre: more shpritzly than
predicted...grey skies.
Music: [Seinfeld TV]
And Where is Mumsy?
Friday~i entertained boththe Jehovah's Witnesses and the
Mormons...on my porch. I think
I'm all G'ed up 4 the week. The
engineer came home for his
birfday, but we didn't connect.
Flower=Sun has found two of
her hats AND more than a coupla
hikers were rescued on the
Water Gap trails. Fair Warning!
Too many of these youngsters
are coming to bad middles and
bad ends between their back
door and the outer werld. And
the Down=Town is being shot up
by wannabe gangstas...cut the
crap! There is more than enuf
recklessness in the Cosmos as
is. Stave off the imps of impunity
in the current season; Summer
funerals are werse than Winter
ones. Mind your feet and pay
close attention. Vita brevis
{My Angels are fully occupied &
impatient with abject schtupidity}
Remind me, good ones, to Paint
and Pote amorro when Conditions
shall be more Favourable.
Monday, June 27, 2005^