Monday, August 21, 2006


One day, in March, we were going

thru Hane's schtuff & i pocketed or

sequestered a medal, icon, rosary

or Crucifix AND Maisy queried,"Why

do you want that? You're unreligious

aren't you??" To which i quietly replied,

"You may call me irreligious, but you

cannot say that i am Unreligious...

Could i have done any of this without

Faith?" She retourned to her sorting

of other crud. I love her much.


August 20th, AndSix...meanwhile, in

filadelfia, EILEEN M. DIFRANCO has

celebrated her second or third Mass,

after being ordained on a pittsburgh

river=boat. She has increased the

flock. I am reminded of the Verse in

which the disciples came to J and

said,"Rebbe! There are people in some

towns who are casting out Demons

without your knowing; what are we

to do about them?" And the Teacher

said,"Those who are not against me

are certainly for me; if their Good comes

from doing my work, let them be."


Meanwhile, in rome, the pop=singer

MADONDA [not mis=spellt] plans to

schtage a mock crucifixn near the

seat of the Vatican. I hope she relents.

Yet~she has always been an equal

opportunity offender. And seeing as

she has converted to K*B*L*H, she has

no natural fear of being ex-communed

from her born faith! Never mind--the

material girl may come to Truth.


Allah and his Prophet abhor the blood

of innocent Pilgrims, spilled for Nothing.

All mosques will be rebuilt from ashes,

to the Glory of the Word; they will rise

up like testament for all the readers of

the Books. The Quran is truth & Islam

is Peace ever=lasting; pray on that Peace,

oh brothers & sisters AND lay off your

arms which offend the Kingdom!


[puxxle, 100%]

Monday, August 21st...the hovel report:

As i was collecting my cat=money from

BRUCE, i noticed the former gardens of

the manse had been denuded of All but

the Lilac, the Larch & the creeping Ivy.

No more Yews, no more Mimosa, no

Rose of Sharon. Looks bare but nice...

ED & MARYANN askt me about the

kitchen cabinets littering the front lawn

and i described their abject nature.

Never mind~i have anothre schtove on

which to make my chicken soop.


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