Novembre 29th or there=abouts.
Happy happy Joy joy 2 the name
sake, Liza Hane! [Betty Hane??]
Twould be indelicate of me to
indicate her natural age--it might
be between consent & concern.
{She is better than me @ many
things, including embarrassing
close Relatifs.} Arching Beauty!
Emma is new & there ain't nobody
coursing in the opposite direxn.
Birfday smooches on my girls.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Secret: the Matriarch was born
a Capricorn, but you could rarely
ever 'get her goat'. Astrology~feh.
Content? Here i've spent countless minutes editing
out the brand=names on this Glow and my Hosts
throw up these banner ads on top of my page. If they
had asked me what products i might like to advertise,
that woulda been a differently coloured Horse. Truly.
As it is, some of my best friends are fleeing their Glow
pages and i don't blame them. But you know the slack:
i'll play the dog with the dish=towel until things return
to a finer state. Heck--three (3) years ago i didn't even
know what this Inter=Web thing was good for anyhow.
But to put one of my four=letter Titles on it: CASH
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Extra Content: It's time once again to schtrip the Bird
and boil the bones for...SOOP! And Turkey Salad [or
in my case, Chicken Salad]. With all the troubles in
the werld, i am heartened that many many people had
a good & gracious feast. It should happen more often
all=togethre on this hungry angry planet. Veritas
PLUS+, y'all won't get the really cool remaining Holiday
Gifts of love & life unless you cultivate that Attitude of
Gratitude, moment by moment. It's redactif that way.
Blessings beget blessings like Horrors beget horrors.
It's up to US to choose the nobler Path. Just Saying.