Saturday, February 10, 2007


Saturday, February Tenth, AndSeven...

CLARIFICATÆ~ the two (2) brothers do not bow to the law of unintended consequence.   exempli gratie:

*WE undertook our road=trip as explorers, not as an exploratory comittee of two. Neither of us is running for the And8 Nomination. Our fans could scthill draft us; it simply didn't occur to us to be political on our passage through twelve of these UNITED STATES. 'Nuf said.

*WE did visit the SPACE MUSEUM, casually. We had no idea that one of the shuttle crew=gals was gonna go bat=sheet crasy on a road=trip of her own. I hope she comes to a good middle.

*WE drove past the seminole casino located in HOLLYWOOD, Florida. We never imagined that Vickie Lynn Hogan would collapse there, then subsequently depart the werld prematurely.  ANNA NICOLE had a hard and brief Life; i Pray she comes to Peace at last. Sooner/Better.

*WE did not mean to meet TONI's b'ful baby in a Funeral Parlour. Yet, that is how it occured.  Such a peculiar irony of existence! That lovely KENDRA should bear witness to the long and Graceful passage of the grand=father she barely knew...the Plans of G & J are rare and mysterious indeed! It schtruck me Sacred that one was Rising as the other was Fading; how fresh were both their faces...Him with applied make=up, Hers with bottled milk. {they call it a viewing; what is it but a view of the Eternal?}  It was a privilege to say both Hello & Goodby.

The ENGINEER has a t=shirt that states: "Not all who wander are lost"



Anonymous said...

Sir slacalot - you dropped by my mind today.

glad to see you are well and traveling - and enjoying new adventures.

tally ho!

Anonymous said...

I have that t-shirt too!

the truth!

Anonymous said...

Flowre=Sun>of  gourse you do...Veritas
Flo>>i had in mind that you could be of a mind,
iffen you didn't mind.  OR similar werds^
happy SAINT v=day 2 all my girls


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