Friday, February 23, 2007


Half a stone is half=way there.

Edited Reposit...February 23, And7...


Barbaro is gonna lie some=wheres, equinely.

James Brown will be interred soon, at last.

[he passed around Christmas!]

Miss Hogan is schtill in transit, by way of

Floridian jurisprudence. I wish the news=people

hadn't made such a fussock about it. She is young

enuf to deserve her rest, even if her Estate and her

innocent daughter's Parentage are still in Question.

We'll Pray it ends well, soon.

That wasn't such a bad snow=storm.

We slide the Good. [edited^]

and Editorial> What i mean to say currently is that

it was a good thing the engineer and i didn't get caught

on the PENNSY FREEWAYS last week! What a clustre

of bad brother said to me almost right

away,"It's darn lucky somebody didn't get killt." OR

percussif werds to that effect. Just anothre example

of OUR gubment money at werk. During disastre.


{WE also forgot to get fastnachts on the day, to

Watch the DOG=SHOW like Hane loved to do OR to make

a right path in the middle of February, that shortest and

cruelest month} Never mind~my TAXES are done & i

will make good use of those pennies from WASHINGTON

as they retourn to me. Undoubtably.


And there you have. A tiny glimpse

into the back=ward lead Life....[edited^>]

with wispy wayward travels to ends entirely Unexpected.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005...

ORthus&muchso. Let me know, thru commentary, if

YOUR travels/travails have been as's

not an Assignment, it's an Open Question. ~slac~

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