Saturday, September 30, 2006


Saturday, June 3rd And 6...

Nautical ponderances, part one (1):

First & foremost, i am NOT a Sailor. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But~i swim like an eel and dive like a Swan, especially when turned over in a Boat. I have an equal and abiding Respect for Water, both fresh & salinated...i prefer Launches to sailing craft on account of motorised Boats are more like automobiles & masted skiffs are horribly akin to bicycles. [^reposit^]

Friday, September 29th And 6...

Nautical ponderances, part two (2):

Babaloo, on the other hand, is a Fisher=Man and Boater non-pareil. OR so he believes. I have overturnt a Sun=Fish with him @ least once on Plimoth Bay [actually, the smaller inlet of that]. He has also taken me seaward in smaller motorised Vessels at high speed, trying in vain to make me puke.  {i only heave Aland}

There=For: i was more than glad to ride on his pleasure craft during the recent Reunion festivities! We were a crew of seven (7), much like the SS Minnow---Babaloo being the Skipper of gourse. Cap=Sizer brot Noah [and they napped below deck on open water!], while Lizard, Alan & i provided 'ballast on the chops'. My turn @ the wheel came after Alan's...and i did quite well coming off a buoy with a sailing vessel bow aport, Breezing away & a lone launch chugging afore the Starboard cut. The Skipper said,"Schplit the difference."  I favoured the mild stern=wake of the Sailor so as to avoid schwamping the low-boat. Lizard had schpray on her 'team=jacket' by the time She came forward.

One Time [about 1988, when Maisy & Loo still had the sun=fish and the yellow Pacer], MACK took that small sail=boat in the morning Out upon GRACE's Bay. My sister & i came late to the party, but All the neighbours Regaled us with Dad's nautical prowess. Children that WE were--we believed that Ensign MACK might repeat such a Feat for his absent progeny. Which he did, right up until that fearful moment when the old man capsized, bent the boom, tore the singular sail & had to be towed in by Timmy's launch. As the elderly mariner recovered breathless upon a beach=towel, MAISY observed,"a 67 year-old man should NOT do such things!" Yet~we ourselves had put the dare in him. And that^, among other things is why i prefer to have Water farther away from me than Deep & Underfoot. Sorry 4 the sun=fish.

Final Long Island & Lyme luau Notes:

>the ENGINEER's Cabin/Cottage was not as Wild as one might think...i only went there once, myself

>KAY had such a good time, she bruised her gall=bladder; it's out now, and Harold is Attending her fully

>my team=jacket is kinda big, but i Love it

>pixtures are coming...right after all the Relatifs recover

>thereyago & thus-it-is ~slacWhoRarelySails~



Saturday, September 23, 2006


Friday, September 22nd, And6...the reason i had such a good time @ the Beach was that i've been camping since CADAVRE DAY! Life is all open format to me, currently. Truly. KAY was kind enuf 2 bring me an iJOBs randomiser when she abducted me. [she also fixt my shunky.]  I coulda loaded five=hundred and twelve (512) megs of my personal music for the trip, but i figgered she brot enuf tunes for the party all=to. [she did.]  WE did dance to her selexions, upon the Night...i had a grand time the one day playing frisbee with my Nephews [they who are Fathers, now]. It put me in mind of all the disc=throwing we did when DAD was the duomo of his Mother's shore=place. Overhand, Underhand & even southpaw, i made a good show of flinging the plastic pie=plate without schtriking the pregnant girl. [J's mother of WYATT and all the more boo'ful acause of her bounteous beach=side belly!]  The 'quiet cottage' had many Game Nights, with cards and trivia, but i declined & hung with my Kidnappers.  {i am too sharp of such things to be any=thing but a despoiler; it was my youthful Assignment to make the next generation fierce & fervent games=persons}  PLUS+, on the Dawn of Day, i served short breakfast under my barrista HARRY. He can make fantastic coffee all the day long & i can fry eggs 2 any ordre!  Our small cabin was renowned for pleasant service right up to the plans for lunch. Utility & Attention.

Saturday, September was ROCKY who pickt me up from werk and took me on a belated transfer run. Such a good girl & such a good driver! And she lives just down the hill from me, up two flights of stairs. [irony]

Onward, Upward & Outward...until amorro. ~slac~

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Tuesday, September 19, 2006...

i am nearly recovered of it all. Some=one pointed out that it was good to get togethre in the absence of a Wedding OR a Funeral. Overmore, it was way longer than the usual hit & run visits of past holidays. The weather was perfect for the shore=line Ritual and the meal that folloed. It was poignant to receive the eucharist from Liz and Aunt Therese. {who says there are no women in Priesthood?!}

The co=joined Birfday party was also very special. It was decided to do a bracketed celebraxn of all those persons having their remembrances from August thru October. Nephew ALAN was lucky enuf to hit the exact time, and the most efficient Average (22). There were about a dozen names on that chocolate frosted chocolate cake & it took almost fifteen (15) minutes to take all the pixtures around it! Pavlovian!

We decided to blame the sea=change on's her beach. It was windy for the Young Persons' cook=out, and it blew in the direction of the Party.[Cook Cap=Sizer ran out of bratwursts early on.]There was drizzle the next day, but most of the girls went SHOPPING & there were no "clouds" on their credit cards! The weather held out for the Train and Boat excursion; i had subliminally suggested we should all get on the very first run. And thanks to Cousin Jim's pancakes, we made it all in before a cloud=burst. On crab=cake night, it rained steadily BUT we were all in the Colonel's cabin. HE fried all the crab=cakes and i served under him, baking scallop with bacon appetizers and schteaming cob=corn. [WE ate schucked corn at least four times all week but mine were the best.] ALAN was the salad=chef/utility man. As compliments were passing thru the air, i noted aloud,"Just leave it to the Professionals!" To be fair, the girls from the 'quiet cottage' made excellent tabouleh and babaganoush. Yum.

It was super-perfect beach weather when i went inland with HARRY, KAY and ALAN. Thanx, Rookie. We assume that my nephew made his flight back to CAROLINA. [note to self: mapquest sux] Hugs, hugs, hugs...i hope to do it all again in anothre thirty=five (35) years. Truly.


Saturday, September 16, 2006


Friday, September 08, 2006...

Dearest Cat: will we be able to make a

transfer run in time for the Abduction?

Will you check my box-mail on Tuesday

or Wednesday & Friday as i am beachbound

among my peoples? Will it rain?

KT, Harry & i will schtop by to see you &

yours @ home around threeish Amorro;

that's my plan, and i am not Rude. Has that

fried oreo hit you yet? Smooch my kids

until WE see them,


Saturday, September 16th...

What a splendid vacation--enuf to make one feel the need of anothre!

Brief high=lights: i drove a motorboat...i boarded a nuclear submarine...i rode on a train & a riverboat. OH! and we had that wonderful

vow renewal service on the beach, a co=joined birthday party AND many othre fine fambly moments...

Life is good; i need a nap.

Pix 2 follo ellipses & more to come,

the abductable slac

Tuesday, September 5, 2006


Tuesday, September 5th, And6...

i am well advised by AYN and others that Vince [my buddy] is recuperating just South of these environs. ALL the more reason to send him a card or a letter as He finds his feet. {It could be the largest snail=mail/inter=web consolation ever's hoping} WE love you, Vince~hang in there!

The windows are all in @ the hovel and the Widow Mary has a black beetle scampering about her place. The acorns are falling furiously upon my parapet and all the chi'dren are gwan back to schkool. Amembre those three (3) hot days a month ago? That^was summer. In the Walley. Now's the time, here & elsewhere, to meandre down to the County Seat...register to VOTE & carry through. It's gonna be a very, very interesting electoral season. Veritas

The werld is my oyster and i am going to a clam=bake. OR so i am lead to believe. I'll miss the crocodile hunter on his well as these othres who have lately passes out of my faer ken: BRUNO KIRBY, MIKE DOUGLAS, the man who invented the neutrino beam, MAYNARD FERGUSON...these^and many othre unrenowned angels of bright conflict are Attending our scant actions to some good End. Plus+, my beloved Aunt Rose=Mary has her newly birfed KALEB to dote upon! New miracles constantly occur.

fisher 2 gonne see ya next [Day]!

Traveller 3 thereyago

fisher 3 /spurious SMILEY/

Traveller 4 unless i see you first

fisher 4 hahaha

Traveller 4 ta-ha

fisher 4 what time do we expect to see you?

fisher 4 ?

Traveller 4 no ideer

fisher 5 you working?

Traveller 5 all depends

fisher 5 on?

Traveller 5 when ride comes^^duh

fisher 6 /spurious SMILEY/

Traveller 7 and schleep close to the tide...

fisher 8 yup

Traveller 8 until such a time

fisher 9 k

Traveller 9 thanx & ta

^IMP edited 4 brevity...the Fisher is slightly

averse 2 large parties But the Traveller goes

where=ever he is wanted. ~recipient~^



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