Tuesday, March 3, 2009


OLA Jernals Comment Added Alert
[circa March 17th, +8]
Commence to the Jernal:
Slack Back Mack--the log, 'vert'
Comment from: sunflowre
"So much to celebrate in Mack World.
Happy, Happy! Smooches...Kat"
i must up=catch on birfdés & anniverts:
One of my girl=cousins has a lovely boy
of March 7th. HAPPY HAPPY year along^
His^ first cousine ROCKY adds maturity
on the 8th. Come the 18th, TANIA will
fête CAPSIZER on nine (9) years married.
Day after that^, JAY scantly approaches
his middling age...yet, after my Xample,
he's probly none too set for it! {Brave!,
little one~evybody Lives way too long}
Cat has her own Spexial Day on the 20th,
and i must buss her fervently Then.
~Palm-Waving slac~anticiple Reposit^

Tuèsdé, March 3rd, °9...but by the Bells

and bunting i could tell the Bishop was

gone. [they buried him Norf of here afor

that big schnow.] My own beard had grown

too byzantine for me, so i shaved off

the pitiful burn=sides. A neat goatee,

presently. And altho Today was fiercely

cold, i saw a score of Robins. {That's

the beard & berd Report in One} Sunny!

Binding begins with 'b'...my taxes are

all done up yet awaiting release. Over

a barrel and fitted for one as well as

all my best buddies~Bosoms! i shoulda

gotten bonded when the first BUSH was

bendable. [both my Progenitors warned

me of such things, when we shared beds

and boards and Advocacy] Bothre!

What are we to do Now that PAUL HARVEY

cannot tell us the "rest of the story"?

Watch the round=ball up to the bonnie

brisket, i believe. But--beware the

ides of mars, especially if You are

Brutish. i am but a captif captain...


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