Who put the mess in messuage?
And why won't my appurtenances
get along with my heriditaments?
Tuesday, 25 July, 2006...i've never had a parapet before, but
i do now. Comes in handy,too. The
Reddy Kilowatt hard=hat is out there,
getting a good airing. Electrify!
My newest cherch is Lutheran...if it
was good enuf for UnkaDonald &
AuntBelle, it's good enuf for me. Plus+,
it is walkable and they serve the
sacrament in both species. Yet~i detect
noticeable differences in the doxology.
{the ENGINEER has the Dictionary; i
already know most of the werds}
I missed @ least two (2) lettres on the
Sun=Day NYT crosswerd puxxle; but i
made up for it by meeting WILL SHORTZ
in person that very same day. He and
LIANE HANSEN of NPR were in Town
to preview "Wordplay", the movie about
crosswerd puxxles. GO see it! It's very
funny & entertaining. And you don't have
to be a verbivore to enjoy it. Editorial!
Mean=while & all=togethre--i am schtill
unpacking parts of my TimeMachine from
various boxes; i hope Nobody noticed that
things were screwed up in the werld on
account of it. SHE should be entirely
recalibrated by August the First. *hush*
^thereyago&thusitis^ ~slac~