Monday, June 26, 2006


Monday, June 26, 2006...

Apparently, i schpoke too soon. That pair

of low pressure Systems decided to hang

around up in these parts for the coming

week. [i know people else=where have it a

lot worse...Empathy!] My usual warning:

schtay away from the Deep Water.

The ENGINEER was kind enuf to drop by

in the black beauty yesterday on the Service

of taking me and CAT to see her Pop at the

big hospital. What a city=state! With even

more ongoing construction than when i last

was there with MACK in the early 90's...

CAT's Dad seems to have a minor Problem,

altho @ his Age, maybe there ain't no such

animal. We'll pray for continued good results

as the Professionals treat him well. {they

always do} Advise of the Advise...i'll get back

to reading your Glow soon ~sunnyslac~

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Monday, June 19th, 2006...

The weathre report: How can it rain

Hail=schtones on one side of the Street

and shine Perfect brightness on t'other?

And why does the T=storm not bring relief

from the humility? Why are not the Winds

of change consistent nor conciliatory

toward themselves & each other? It is

a wonderful atmosferic ponderance,

akin to nauticism. *pelt*

A belated Happy Dad's Day to one (1) and

all! My own progenitor is gladly schwimming

some=where between the INDIAN OCEAN

and the NORTHWEST PASSAGE. Yet, in the

impending summer...MACK schtill has hands

to capsize wayward Sailors. *jibe!*

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006...

And congratz 2 all the graduates out there

from baby=skool to double doctorals...WE

collectively enjoyed BLADE's High School

ceremony on Friday last. [the MOM & POP,

the GRANDMOM, the SISTER & boy=friend

and me.] I could tell it was a publik skool

graduation on account of no=body mentioned

G or J even once. Never Mind~even the Buddha

comes unbeckoned to such places!

You'll pardon me if i don't tarry too long on the

Page; i have Places 2 see & People 2 be.


Monday, June 12, 2006


Title: Assignations

[reposit of 6/8/And4:]

Mood: scholarly, right


Music: vinyl records,

cassettes & ATRAC 8 tracks

or just television theme

music running through my



These are the conditions

which prevail. There are

so many good and werthy

Assignments out there and

i am the lazy student.

But, i am not Concerned!

MY Glow is about me and

the life i lead~~Not how

well & how fast i respond to

various intellectual challenges.

{Alright, it's partly about that}

Irregardless of my short

comings in the testing field,

I hope to edify my fan=base

with the Following>>

Five [5] Things i know

about myself:


1) I am political. I have

seen Richard [candidate]

Nixon & Ronald [President]

Reagan speak live. I have

shaken hands with Jimmy

[candidate] Carter AND Joan

Mondale who,'liked my music.'


2) I am a musician. I have

seen the RAMONES perform.

[all of them^] I played piano

for a sound=check at a George

Jones concert. I was once asked

to be the driver for the POINTER

SISTERS [Bonnie, Ruth, June &

Anita]. My music has been

played on the radio in Norway.

And Schnecksville.


3) I am an Artist. I was

witness to the restoration of


I attended a Marc Chagall

retospective while Chagall

was still alive. I have met a

descendant of Val Bertoia.

Some of my pictures/paintings

have been reprinted on the

Werld Wide Web.


4) I am a writer. I have

been published as a poet in

(a)my high school lit mag

(b)my college lit magazine

(c)my local news=paper

(d)as a journalist in a short

run arts magazine. IF i keep

getting publisht, i will have

to become a Novelist.


5) I am a filosofer~~

OH! Wait! It cannot be

proved in this venue^

{filosofers have trouble

counting greater than four}

Holy Crud!?! The fifth

premise is an open question.

I hate when that happens!

Carpe Diem, quam minimus

credula prospero. [Cicero]

[end^ of reposit]


It is the Year of the wind...

G blows his breath on Everything.

And things naturally Change.

Last year was the Year of departing.

This year is the Year of changes &

breezy movement. The birds know

this for sure, acause their Wings

are presently fully formed. The

wind is a whispre to those who can

hear it, and a buffet/buffer to them

whose Faces are annoyed by minor

Dust and whirlish happenstance.

Yet~it is only the Perfect change in

weathre which comes to all when

their time has Arrived. I have seen

white=caps on the ocean & heard

trees fall down from such forces of

nature...but i never Fear the wind

which brings Rain & Snow & Change.

She is my good companion, even

when i walk against her.


Monday, June 5, 2006


Saturday, June 3rd And 6...

Nautical ponderances, part one (1):

First & foremost, i am NOT a Sailor. Not by any

stretch of the imagination. But~i swim like an

eel and dive like a Swan, especially when turned

over in a Boat. I have an equal and abiding Respect

for Water, both fresh & salinated...i prefer Launches

to sailing craft on account of motorised Boats are

more like automobiles & masted skiffs are horribly

akin to bicycles. I have flipped over in a Canoe,

and i have wearied myself rowing in a Dory on a

Lake. [with my brother at Camp---ask him.] Give me

a Diving board & i will show you the Running back

Flip. Of a Thousand different ways i might Depart

this werld in the coming fifty (50) years, i can assure

you that DROWNING will not be one of them. There's

too much Cat in me for that! *Dryness!*

Shortly after i scattered MAC's ashes in the Bay,

a group of persons went for a sail near COUSIN JAC's

cottage. They cap=sized on the return and i watched

it [with binoculars] from the cottage Deck. Such a

thing for a powderised ghost to visit his favourite

relatifs! Thank G nobody came to harm so near to

shore...shallow water & hard werk, fine Masted.

Amazing as it may seem, i can't recall ever Seeing

a sun=rise on the Atlantic NOR a sun=set out on

the Pacific. Not right on the Oceans, any=way...

Plenty of both on Lakes & Rivers & Mountains but

Never the real thing on a sandy, salty Beach.

Hane used to tell everyone the Story of how she brot

a friend to the fambly vacation Lake/Island and her

girl=friend did not help @ all when they Rode around

the Island. Inevitably, someone would ask why such

a person could possibly cause a problem with Riding

around by Car or Bicycle on a damnable Island. Hane

would rise up in her chair And correct the story thus:

"NO! We didn't ride, R-I-D-E, around the island! I Rowed,

R-O-W-E-D, around it!" It was always the Perfect New

England accent those hearers had not Accounted for.

[the second part of this story Always includes Hane's

FATHER, Cap'n Jack, visiting the Girls on the Excursion

saying to his Daughter: "You know, Jane Loretta, that

you girls would travel far better if you first untied this

Dory from the Dock."] *pause 4 lafter*

Monday, June 05, 2006...And because i am so Cautious

around Water, i have no child=hood stories of being

pusht in the Crick or thrown into large bodies of the

wet schtuff without my express consent of WANTING to

be tossed into said bodies. OH! And even though i gave

away my inherited figure-skates, i believe i could still

glide across Ice as good as any Middler. Self=Taught.

ThereYaGo & Thus It Is. ^end of part one (1)^


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