Saturdé, Octobre 18th, °°8...Who knew the Yard would
be so busy on such a cool, autumnal day? We overfilled
the five (5) Dumpsters® and altho i wanted to continue
celebrating the 'Feast of Booths', i hardly found
Time to set in my own Slack=shack! Come and go...
Cuddie FRANK was kind enuf to ferry me home=wise.
Amorro~i might could oughta try to make a Transfer of
these Glow=Pages to the next Venue. Anything is
possible. [comment freely 'til the End] ~slac~
^publisht as 'echo' to the Web, mood=productive
noise=young frankenstein...a Movie^
Comment from: sunflowerkat321
"Let me know when you get settled in the new neighborhood.
I want to stop in and say hello. XOXO Kat"
"I await an announcement with bated breath. Well, not really.
I'll keep breathing. -Paul"
THOT: "ponder the small items first and best...thereafter,
the large & mysterious things will fall into focus Resolutely."
Wednesday, Octobre 19, 2005...I'm getting those familiar
questions again: "How late are you guys open?", "When do you
guys close for the year?" And "Do you guys take [this crud]?" TO
which i lovingly respond,"Hey~it's only me here, a Naked singleton
in clean jeans & winter woolies. {i am one & one is all} The yard
waste & recycling Universe opens and closes within me, and there
are no Others without." Yet~it wouldn't serve my good customers
well to thus blow their minds!
Friday, Octobre 22nd, 2°1°...(twenty, ten)...Sanctified detritus!
My hard drive is eighty-nine percent (89%) full! And it only
took me ten Years to do it. {Kay shoulda woulda coulda never
gifted me with Technology; it's been nothing but a burden} By
the Bye, this old Dell® came fully loaded with sixty-nine (69)
gigabytes of mammary from the last Millennium. i thot it
would last me forever & ever. Time and Life resolutely change.
Two weeks ago, i cleaned with MONICA; last night i cleaned
[vacuumed] with CATHY. These are my gentle girls. i join the
cleaning crew whenever it is Offered, on account of the extra
cabbeej [cabbage/cash]. Plus+, it is eminently interesting to go
through the Parish building functionarily, to catch up on the
general News. It's ne'er been a viable Replacement of my first
Duty as the yard master, but it is delightfull to do occasionally.
The bicycle is in the boof; i rode it up last evening for the extra
Time. i permitted, graciously, CATHY to ride me 'home' in her
Jeep®. It's getting quite cold & windy for=to ride the byke...but
i'll make the best use of it while Days allow. Monday last, i
accidentally made a marathon on the byke by leafing my haus
keys in the Boof! {i am beside myself, shtill, that i remembered
to pack & carry Everything but them two keys} The very purpose
of scaling back my Autumnal hours was to ease my Travels in
the darkness~Yet i grinded up and back Perfectly, a truly
seasoned Cyclist all and all. {If Slack can do this, could he not
almost attempt to do Any=Thing?} And, if anyone cares to note
it--the up & down trips are six and a half miles, more or less,
from point-to-point...i pedalled twenty-five (25) or twenty-seven
(27) miles...and will never again forget my latch=keys on account
of my gifted & unnamed byke! [my rider name is JACK-KNIFE
because of a quite harsh Dismount i did at Maple and Madison
many, many months Ago.] Sun=Day, Octobre 24th, 2°1° was
an expecially good riding morning, this One. i tasted my two (2)
cups of moka early on & parkt my schteed next to the Episcopal
cherch off Gresser Park. MARIA was glad to have my 'signage'
at her Communion AND there was also a magnificent brunch for
Celebraxn Sundé...of which i did fellowship for All Good. {i am
Provided for in all these houses, because i Provide something}
The fountain in the park is drained & the frogs are bagged. No
pennies of mine can be found in such a desolate Oasis. *plink*
i also communed with my Presbytry, because i hadn't gone to
their Full Service in a while. They welcome me back because i
Supplicate with DONALD through the week. [the Turtle used to
ask me,"What cherch are You going to Sunday?" Now, he knows
to ask,"What cherches are You going to?"] The many extra hauses!
Tuesday, Octobre 26th, 2°1°...Yesterdé and Saterdé were both
busy at the parish-yard, my werkplace. The good weathre has
brot out the regulars as well as the many Trux & Trailers...the
hours are peculiar though. {No=one, including my=self, is yet
quite used to Daylight yardwerk, nine to five} That is, i get to
werk through the Wintre again but on a sunnier schedule. The
morning commute is dawnly, coolly casual; the five o'clock quit
and roll-down is more like a defensif deal with othre Commuters.
Soon enuf~i'll schtow the byke somewhere and get back to
bundling & bussing through the schnow & ice. {i can see the
future from where i Live, and election day scares me more than
Halloween} And darkness--i dearly love the darkness, crowding.
Presently, i pause to schlice gifted bread And to look after my
haushold. ~Autumnal=slac~