Weathre: cloudy cool, not as nice as Saterday
Mood: aristocratic, sans the wealth
Music: track sixes on the ishpod
Thot: «Cars i can handle; it's these othre bikers and
skaters which drife me crasy»
TITLE: Two Pedals At A Time...
And under=foot, like the onion snow.
^Reposit: [edited]
Friday, March 23rd, and7...a cool & rainy dé...
it's been three hundred and sixty-six (366) days
since we turned over the green ghost to our
friend, Jack Black. She is eminently [gone].
Of the hovel i don't know much, except that
there is a [garden] on the porch and a very
red front door. ...Ownership is for them
who don't already have hobbies.
Fambly! it's good to have them close At hand.
A comment has been posted to the Journal:
Slack Back Mack--the log
Comment from: gdireneoe
"(((Slac))) As ever...intelligencia and engata. ;) C."
Thursday, March 26, +9...[edited 2 future]
TITLE: «These Reposits Are Rewritten!»
TEMP: around the fifties (50s), but breexy, chilly
MOOD: editorial, sunny with screenblock
NOISE: Spanglish & Gullah, with swear=werds
OCCUPANCY: full, 100% + a haus=guest
PRESSURE: 119/78p71
WIDEO: Daily Show, women's schports, Being Erica
SCRIP: «Death, where is Thy sting? Where is Thy
victory?» -Paul of Damascus, to Corinth
HAER: lightly bearded with short baldingness
THOT: «i shoulda took up HomeEc in high skool.»
Text: todé, i found anothre roosevelt Dime in
my Path...Regardless=of=much~i find the Ones who
care for me are close to hand, including also
NANCY, my Supervisor, who granted me more
werk...and JEFF, my room=leaser, who has the
great Patience to hold me fast while thinking
of replacing the roof tiles which blowed off
during this windy Wintre! *Blessings*
Amorro, i rescue my Tributes Plus anothre
ten (10) Mercies that pre=sent on Time...
~bindable, bondable slac~
modern [Friday, March 26th, 2010] text: i would
Memorialise ROBERT CULP for his fine career on film
and television...i liked him most as the Government
Agent in GREATEST AMERICAN HERO. i also have to
pay tribute to a local woman, artists' model, patron of
the Arts & fine character...BARBA-DEL. (only one name
is needed for those of us who loved her.) it's a funny
thing but i had seen more of her recently, though i've
known her maybe twenty years. Both to Paradise!
Last saterdé, i got slammed at the Yard on account
of the b'ful weathre. Couldn't get anothre stick on...
But it rained on Monday causing ROSE to give me an
umbrella that's been 'lying around' the reception area
for almost nine (9) years. Perhaps~it's truly mine.
Wednesday, it was just nice enuf to carry the bicycle
with me to werk. It was also a very safe ride back to
the bunkhaus with my lighting system. {it's true You
never forget how to ride~but Your muscles do!}
Yes, i filled out my CENSUS and sent it in [this seems
to happen every ten years]. And speaking of Pennsy
PolyTryx, which the senses counts: i find it disingenius
for candidates to criticise the incumbents for the recent
Health Reform. Because 'they' weren't in the fight. One
might as well make even broader statements [and law
suits] about not dropping the first A=Bomb OR getting
out of Viet Nam before Kent State?! Just a thot.
There's a lot more to write on a cold day...but i gotta
get this crud to the Library and post it vaguely, badly.
Oh! MIAMI's girlfriend is cooking for the haus and
warshing the bulk of the dishex; i'm not gonna be the
one to send her Away. ~likeable*bikeable slac~