Sunday, December 19, 2004...^We are appraised and
apprised of the Light which comes into the World; WE
Anoint it with our brief tears. Immanuel.
Sunday, December 19th, 20-10...the LORD has done
great things for me And happy, blest & Glorious is
that Name! i am put in mind of that BEATLES' song
which goes like this: Mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of Wisdom,"Let it Be." [done unto me
as You, GABRIEL, have commanded.] My own Sister
MAISY sent me two (2) packages toward CAT's haus
and i pickt them up Aday. {i shan't open them until
the 25th} At the office Christmas party, KATHY of the
cleaning contingent gifted me a pair of schteel-toed
Oxfords; ROSE [anothre mothre of mine] sent me off
with a passel of food from the self=same Party. Can
anyone not gain weight and Graces from the Season?
i am thus surrounded by gifts & Invitations! STONY
wants me to sup with him & his on Xmas dé...CAT will
have me the following Saterday for Pork und Kraut.
{it'll be the third Tradition of such} i scarcely Believe
the Year is ending, and i end it Glowing not so good!
i'll recovre of it, Eventual. The stalag is undecorated
but werking in fine Ordre; it is Ever like camping from
day unto day. My beard is a fine mess which i believe
i'll Winnow for the first week of Twenty-Eleven, right
down to the roots. {it has kept out the cold, this year}
Happy Joyous Holydés! Survive the Solstice...