Notes in Passing...Thursday, May 10th, And7
There was a horse=race which [a horse] won.
But~the KENTUCKY contingent was with us at the
Wedding Party! Whither go the withers?
My heart=felt prayers go to the victims of Nature,
G & J prefer goodness & kindness.
~the up=catching slac~ Fridayish: ...All should arise in fine
fettle like fortified frog's haer. Evybody, Evywhere. HMD
Tuesday, May 19th, +9...this might could be the Last primary
whence i vote of a certain party afore switching back to
anothre certain party. Yet, acause i haf been playing in the
majors, i can schtill count my=self as a Super=Voter!
I was #39 at my actual polling station, but i had chances of
the day to pass a numbre of othres. Like the County Centre
as i was downtown & like the Lutheran cherch where
i hold partial membership. Sunday, May 16th, was
the Turtle who carted me off the Yard last night with ROCKY
to a convivial dinner, leafing me to schtow Rocinante in the
shed. Amorro, acause i haf been biking all=the=way, i shall
be obliged to Comfort JOHN the bus=drifer that i haven't
abandoned the W route! There were six (6) roll=offs that day
AND we filled them all to bursting. [bless wind and hail^]
i shoulda woulda coulda switcht back to anothre Party just
to weigh in on ARLEN's battle this Tuesdé; i will simply Vote
the othre races into Confusion, as alway. ARLEN may do well
enuf on his own, in whatevre Party he chooses, Scottishly.
Thursdé was an Ascension celebration at the LUTHERAN cherch
which welcomed me when i first moved onto Sixteenth Avenue;
the coffee was schtrong & the goodies were filling. AND i
rode my wheels both to und from. {the Bishop presided} Then,
Frydé, i anchored top=side at the METHODIST food=bank...
these are things which happen in my Ordinary time. There was
a dust=up Tuesdé in the Soop Kitchen over the sitting of a
tia in the Place of veteran JOHN; the chicken was tasty and
some Forgivenesses applied. {kitchens are well attended Now}
The man who gave me the bicycle is Always checking out for
me and it. [i coulda moved into a haus of his inschtead of
my Glorious bunkhaus.] The Concierge is shewing room Four
to any & all Comers...WE would do well to entertain anothre
ESTHER, KERRY or Señor BORGES. Life in the City.
Aday, we MORAVIANS bid farewell to RUSS, the Junior Pastor.
AND WE baptised a beautiful baby girl. Arrifing & Departing,
the cycle of all=in=all. Our eyes [and hers] were wide.
Amorro i will Pray & werk & ride the bicycle back to my bunk
haus, taking care of All my peoples along the Way. Good thing
i was born a BUDDHIST. ~unified-slac~