Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Wednesday, August 29th, and7, New Epoch...A Harvest BONANZA! One of my customers brot me an Orange and a Peach...and three diet sodas.  [i save the diet sodas for the Turtle and his crew]  Anothre brot me Turkey with masht potatoes?!  That's a hot home=made meal, just for being a nice guy.  OR something like that.  Made my bindles heavy to carry the fruit and tonics into Town...  But, Wait! As i was climbing the hill home, i saw my friend, BRENDA, from the bingo days. We had a lot of catching=the=up to do AND she gave me a Cucumbre from her sister's garden when she droppt me at the Apt. i might haf to give up grox shopping all=togethre!? At least for the fresh.  What will happen for good Amorro? What=ever it is, i probly don't deserve it. Yet~i like occasional and efficacious surprises. They^ cling to me.

Cat~ hey there

Slak* tanx for evything, ta

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