Monday, May 7, 2007


Seester Maizy's birfday, and Seven (she wanted to schwim but didn't)  Now: that was a party! And even tho' we were on a military site, we tore that place up! They'll not soon forget us on the Cape Fear peninsula. As per recent Times, the travelling weathre was nicer than the Event weathre. Good thing 90% of the partying took place in=of=doors. Kinda. There were round tables set out for all of us wherever we went, but they were often simply rolled into schtorage on account of We like to move and dance when we get it the week=end of the rolling tables. I hesitate to fathom the quantities of beer, wine & liquor which were consumed. [i can't count that High]Yet~except for a certain three A. M. beach foray & a reported wrestling=match (?), no permanent injuries were Admitted.  G & J like a good party too, sometimes.  The Turtle and i did schwim, at the STONY CREEK truk=schtop. Believe it 'cos it happened. {Apparently, BLADE forgot to bring his togs} The prenuptial barbecue was perfectly Attended, as was the brunch for the lay=a=beds. [insert your story here.]  The ceremony was conducted on the fifth floor of a commercial building in the bidness district--that is, the Vows were exchanged in a tony theatre just off the Open bar.  Which means the bar was open to the rain when it came, sporadically. We danced like religious fanatics regardless and had more Fun than 'bachelours on a road=trip'. True.  Fotoes? Sister KAY thrust a camera in my hand early on and i used it well. Dancing?  Aunt ROSE=MARY and i schtarted some of the mayhem with a funky rendition of MINNIE THE MOOCHER. One of my girl=cousins also prodded me to dance=the=slow to NORAH JONES. Let's just say our feet were almost as achy as our brains come SunDay morning.  Driving? Turtle did the bulk of it on the way down and from Venue to venue; i crosst all the borders on the way back to the Walley...NC/VA, VA/MD/PA. Without encouraging people to break the speed=limits, he and i barrel=assed from WILMINGTON to the WALLEY in twelve (12) hours. [one hour meal break.]   DO NOT follo our example! We have black beauty and a near=perfect driver exchange System.  BLADE was only mildly astonisht. Careful.

Blessings on the Couple from all of us! We are fambly now and aptly celebrated. Love and Beauty come naturally to us...


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