to parafrase Robert Redford
in that most excellent movie,
Jeremiah Johnson:
"Pardon me, but it's been a
long time since i have had so
much of the Latin language
spoke at me." An Affidavit of
Domicile? What's that?
i situate in it and there=for
ego sum. Difficile dictu!
Medicine and Law, we are
encouched in tongues of
Caesar and Benedictus!
[whose bones are not merely
dry but far beyond dessication]
A lucky accident they borroed
so much from the greeks.
Currently, Rome is the largest
City in the werld. They have
drained off the most populous
other cities on chances of a
singular view of a catafalque.
Once in a life=time. And the
future King of England can
certainly wait one day to
marry his mistress. Lines!
Thursday, April 07, 2005^
Title: Mud and Tar...
Mood: respectful
Music: [shuffling feet]
Thot: "Burn All my personal
documents...Crud! i wish i
had thot of that instruxion."
It sure is the busy week for the'd be interesting
to see exactly who got Invites
2 all three Events. Two funerals
and a Wedding~bury the Pope,
dance with Camilla & Charles,
bury Prince Rainier. Schedule!
And to think i believed i was
running around like the averbial
decapitated chicken...
I have made recent reference to
the fact that, now, truly The
twentieth century is over. And
more than that, the entire Epoch.
So~it really is about Time the
whole human race got its
collectif sheet togethre. Veritas.
One only gets a fresh schtart
every thousand years or so.
WE could "party like it's 999"
or we could just begin treating
the Earth & its astro=nauts a
lot less abysmally than the
historic record shows. Maybe.
{this posit is werth considering}
And what is it like where you
are in the new glowing conflux?
[slightly rhetorical^] Arethere
any real empires or hegemons
left on this bright day? It pondres
me much...respondere ad latinus.
Friday, 08 April, 2005^
- - - slacus de minimus- - - -
so are we to say burn our personal internet journals? no, never mind...the Pope had it right...burn what is not to be shared with the masses...two funerals and a wedding...I much prefer 4 weddings and a funeral myself Slac, with Hugh before his scandal :-)
Perish the thot Jersey=gf! We can edit as we Glow.
i was thinking more of the actual paper detritus
that clogs up life After the passing of loved ones.
Artifacts! Agreement about the Movie, tho
I can understand why the Pope would want his personal writing disposed of...but I feel it has to be somewhat of a loss. He takes his secrets with him, I guess.
We'll keep on cheering for the human's our team after all. Our team...our planet...why doesn't eveyone get it?
Hane was beautiful!
{Slac looks pretty good too!}
Appreciata, V. The whole fambly tends to
easiness on the Eyes; could be Genetic.
OH~and the men always marry the best
looking gals, too. Twas ever Thus>
ooh, love the chocolate cake slac - and hane the beautiful -
the wedding is soo groovy!
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