Title: between the Rock & the hard Place
Mood: Assignatory
Music: my own
TEXT: Jay provides a simple & EASY
test by any standard...He posits that we
can remember well the few journal entries
that Impacted our lives in this, our
Anniverseral time. YET, i disagree that
it is easy OR simple. Let me, therefor
drone on in bulletted form>>
the fire @ mary's glow
the demise of Journal Enquirer
the spoof @ Almedare
realising that all the Glows were especial in
their own write [reverting to asterisks]
* those first times i visited:
*Mumsy, Muse, DesertDawg, Flo...
*my own rages @ Aol 9...
*those PentaGlowers who have stopped by
here OR who just disappeared...And
*inadvertent lapses in really funny glows
-----------------------------SO~you see, i could go on right into the
Anniversal age of my Arrival on the
PentaGlows OR, disregard all of them for
a Moment when journaling changed my
Life~~it either hasn't happened or it is
Thus all around me. Confluence!
I have been influenced as a filosofer by
All of them^ i go on too long and the task
is more difficult than it appears.
'Twas ever Thus...
Saturday, August 14, 2004...
The Capsizer is mostly correct. It is
about the random thots. And you can't
get more eclectic in that regard than to
bounce here. I'll talk about just about
any=thing, perhaps. Like: one of my
sisters is having a birthday tomorrow.
Which, by coincidence, she shares with
the recently sainted Julia Child. And my
sister cooks almost as good...that is, i
hope Kay lives to be 91 & makes me a
messy omelet the next time i see her.
[the down=side of Kay's especial day
is that Elvis Presley passed away that
same week when she lived in Memphis]
AS i have sometimes said in my inky
jernals: Big Changes naturally seem to
happen in August. Ask anybody.
Today was contraband day at the yard.
Some people just don't get the concept of
Recycling. They bring all the wrong schtuff
OR on the off=day i'm not here and the
gate gets left open...they bring garbage.
PEOPLE! People! It's a recycling centre,
not a dump. My first customer brought bags
of grass, which they were going to toss
plastic & all into my low roll=off. Seeing as
i had just arrived, i sternly said,"Empty the
Bags." Then, after i noticed what they were
discharging, i added,"You know the hauler
picks up grass in open containers..."
Mercy~the things 10% of the people will get
up to when they think nobody's looking.
{i am werth every sheckel the parish pays
me to regulate such things.} 'Nuf Dat^
Speaking of summer Olympics: i watch it
for the Swimming & the Diving~most often
the girls. SO, it surprised me when i heard
on NPR that the English team was being
admonished for wearing white lycra suits.
IN the werds of King George,"Bring it On!"
The original Olympians did evything in the
NUDE & they had to schwim in brackish
water. And after what happened at the
SUPERBOWL, who cares if the NBC cartel
has to pixelate a few British nips & camel
toes? ON ten variegated channels?
[the female long=jumpers & pole=vaulters
can be just as entertaining in their fashion.]
I'll drop the subject for now, because, like,
I'm not a sports fan largely.
Which brings me Accidental to the News
from New Jersey. EXCUSE me, if i do not
weep for the Governor. At last count, the
clouded gentleman Democratic exemplar
has...hmm---TWO wives, TWO dafters AND
a boyfriend that he picked and paid to spend
time in his, administration. We should all be
so lucky! Without getting into how Jersey
could be the next ground=battle for same-sex
Marriagitators~~wasn't it nice of Jim to
schedule his apparent resignation until after
the next election? Oh, crud & Never Mind~
it'll shake out in ways i cannot Today imagine.
PLUS+ i can't posit the litigation all=to^
more=over, i am not political
{base=fans: do not Incenderise on that^}
Every=thing else proceeds apace and in its
own Time...there are Confluences within
Confluences and the wide=slack werld will
posit 2 them Eventual. Torches, Up!
*Wildly Red, yet fiercely Unknown out=side
of certain circles~ opinionated slack
1. You should watch beach volleyball. Not only do the players wear bikinis, they have bikini clad cheerleaders between sets. That's the olympic sport for those who like to watch Cinemax.
2. Don't worry about blog impacts on USCGA1995. I won't turn down a $19 million dollar contract with the Miami Dolphins in order to continue smoking weed/herb/grass/maryj/or whatever you 1960's folks call it.
3. Went to wedding reception tonight. Best things about weddings - free beer.
Your friend down there leaving comments sounds fun, I've been seeing him around yet do not know him. Assuming it is a him, I could not take anymore rivalry of the female variety.
Anyway, what I REALLY mean to say is, I'm b-a-a-aa-a--ccck-kk-k-kkkkkkk!!
I could not name JOURNALS that have impacted my life...but the whole of j-land has had GREAT impact. It's very early Sunday... 2 1/2 days!!!
Torches Up!
kayy: that's one of my favourite nefs & noah's
dad [i still can't believe that part.] Still, i
encourage only friendly rivalries.
Appreciata other torchers>> ~Author
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