Title: Flowers for All...
IT is the Mother of all days.
It's Mothers' day. Could i
possibly posit a message which
would glorify & celebrate the
Eternal essence of woman=hood?
I don't think so. Birth is at once
ordinary & Miraculous. And yet,
None of us can remember or
recall a single event in brief life
so Personal and efficacious to
continuous Existence~~more
over, what woman comes to
this cathedral not knowing that
life thus engendered is brief &
precious, followed strangely by
the Mystery that every thing
born & bourne...must perish
some=day @ last? To birth of
dying, or to die eventually in
the presence of grown yet
Memorable children!?! OH!
Faint & special mystery which
Men by their nature must endure
and attempt to ignore. The baby
is our spawn, the wife and mother
Our superific Companions...
[without which Our existence is
neither True nor Understandable]
And so, when we talk of Motherly
love, natural men are slight
Understanders of the Grace &
magnitude which surrounds them!
These are my Blessings on all the
Mothers who have ever been:
As G is our invention, we wouldn't
exist without the Bearers of Life;
Or else, We should have to invent
HER. Happy Mothers' Day to all
these grand Angels of Life.
Celebrate that^ without
equivocation! Mercies as well on
the children who have departed
their Mothers before their time--
In War, in violence, in sudden
departure by accident or Acts
of man or G-d. Pray that all
should be reconciled &
justified & rejoined in that
brighter werld Here=after.
Remember, remember~~in spite
of Ourselves, we are all travelling
in the same Direction.
And speaking of sappy: Yes,
i was one of the Billions of
people who watcht the finale
of Friends. The strange and
ironic part is I never watcht
a single episode end to end
while it was on~~I just didn't
get it. Just not my cup of
mocha i guess. OH, well.
Plenty of other junk to watch
said Captain Wide... lata
If a man speaks at sea and there is no woman around ...is he still wrong?
Thank you, Slack. You have a wonderful heart. :)
to answer your question lou - yes.
sir slacster the eloquent - you have made this queen proud and teary.
thank you for being my first unexpected delight this early morn...
oh, and - regarding the "Friends" farewell observation - i did the same exact thing.
....must be something in the water round these hills....
Excellent points be=sparkle you today! This is in posit of the eternal wish to have seats=toilet left assuming of the correct position. That spoken would be, of corse the ordinary ... be that as it may ... I say as a giverer-of-life, the blessing still falls to one's sons and daughters, for be it not of them, we woman beholden of mysteriousness and beauty would hardly an excuse to become givers=care, or at least fairly so, because the man next to us at the dinner table is resistive of gentle swabs having made an amuck of chin! And, also ... think what a suprise it would be to deliver and find the tummy had engaged us foolishly and were born only a tiny kitten! Now ... wouldn't that be the real tragedy??
rac slac.....the mostly beautimus and grand werds ever writ exposed to the Light!!!!
Yeah Slac ~ ordinAiry and grand.....juxtapostion exemplified.
Funny, Slac, that I should follow Chris.....The two of you produced the most Wondrous of Greetings!....
{the Comments nearly exceed the text}
Twas ever thus... ~Author
Your wisdom remains unparalleled by your slacspeak, but point(s) translated and taken.
"Friends"? My favorite, with Lindsey, I hate to admit, and have had to on numerous occasions say that we do not think the pre-marital sex topic needs to be so prevalent to get a laugh, but the rest of it funny anyway.
~ Karyn
Your eloquence is astounding...grand angel of interpreter that you are. Happy Thoughts to you in appreciation on this Mother's Day!
Perfect eloquence should be left alone to speak for itself. Bravi, my pentaglow friend.
I too saw the last Friends episode. Was never a big fan, either.
Your tribute to Moms everywhere is a fitting one. I applaud you. Moms are special.
And about the Friends finale, I taped it and watched it too, although I've only seen between five and ten Friends shows in the last ten years. Frasier's next, and I've seen that one more, but I think I'll give the last one a miss. Last episodes are depressing.
You may have been wondering where I have been hiding... or if my house crashed on some black & white polyurethane legs, causing them to curl up and disappear. Not so. some bug has choked my phone and/or InfernalMachine. So I drove the 6 minutes to school tonight--though I am finis!--just to tell you hi, thanks for the flowers.
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