Title: Mr. Big=Page
Thursday, 22 April, 2004 15:47:23
Slakbakspock log
Rocky informs me that
Toni is in fysical re=hab & Todd is still
under especial observation. May G
guard them all=to...
My previous pote & pic,
"SKONK" is enjoying some popularity as a brief respite from all the grand haiku we
do. [rhyme<] And that's a good thing in
the sense that Dancer
prompts me to focus
on the pithy, pointed
poeticals...Mutual admiration, there.
Florid Flo, mean=while is in the vanguard of upsettedness about the
Muse being bumpt from
Penta=Glows---i put my efficacious power behind them like the staunch stallionesque stanchion which I am.
{No vague or veiled Vulgarity there^}
Would that i could write as well as they!
[this composing flush left is playing havoc with my concentraxn!]
Werk is great...very busy with all the yard
schtuff---and yesterday
i got paid extra, maybe
to attend a substance abuse seminar with a former Heroin addict.
MAN! The things these kids won't cook up these days 2 get blasted?!?! Scared the
sheets out of little old me.
But, Alas, i am the original Mr. Natural in this new Epoch.
Just waking up and having a nice chocolate
coffee is enuf 4 me.
Who exactly was it who
said,"Life is Strife"?
Never=mind, it's the Earthday and i have recycling to accomplish
as ever, slak=the=natch...
Happy Earth Day, Slac [graphgood]
Thanx Vince~~and yet Apologia
to readers...my glow is still too wide.
{Advise} Especial
you know, with sir slacstallionesque the big=page and the mighty, sir vincent - the queen has the best, most noble knights in all the realm. The werld is a better place because of ewe two.
I like chocolate and coffee but not chocolate coffee. There's not much difference is there? V=Odd :)
Obviously you don't come and visit my journal. Go fo it my may sink into it Http://journals.aol.com/carolhehe/GypsyPaths
Hey Captain WIDE.
Apparent it is that
you don't even miss me.
Not thinking very much of you,
either, all the way from the
sunny orange-y sunny land.
Too bad bad grammar follows us
everywhere and no matter where we go
and AOL is truly a large conglomerate
conspiracy of righteous assholes.
Wide and censoring, they be.
~ Karyn
you draw good.
"Scared the sheets out of little old me" <--- veiled cussing! I'm telling!
Glad to know Toni is doing well. Hopefully Todd will catch up to her soon.
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