Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Title:  Many are cold but few are frozen...

What a beautiful day alltogether.  Just a lot of snow.  OK~only 3 inches, but it made me wonder if i had to go to werk.  So i called the office at 10:30 and my boss was ambiguous & unavailable.  Then i shovelled the walk, but not the Garage.  An hour later i called back and found out that i was expected.  {For awhile there I was much like Schroedinger's cat [Quantum Mechanics].}  And then i dug out the garage, fired up the green ghost, bot gas for same and made my especial appearance!  The boys at Public Werks were kind enuf to shovel out the SlackShack and i was really only a half hour late on a day I essentially could have skippt.  Four customers i had in 5.5 hours.  And as i often say,"You can't have my Job."  Expendable i may be, yet some=how Indespensible...there's that Quantum cat analogy again.  The advice, mean=while, that i give about DRIVING in this crud is: go slow, stay on the primaries AND always always turn slightly into the inevitable fish=tail. (Tail=fish?)

"There goes that Crasy Dodge again."  --The BLUES BROTHERS        [check out Scoops~~it's really really COLD where he's at...]   ta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at least you HAVE a job. Wait, no, I'm not jealous, just busy going through the motions of pretending like I am trying to get a job ... turning them down, and/or finding creative ways to make sure they do not select me. Very creative interviewing, that. Takes skill. Til my husband catches on!

~ Karyn


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