Title: There's a game Sunday?
Yes, the abof^ pictures are borroed...but from Relatifs! The Slack does not own a single digital camera. {Aren't all cameras digital? Try taking a picture without Fingers.} And there will be no end of trouble when i grab a SCANNER! These are the jokes, folks. And what about that guy using all the big werds in previous entries? You'd think he was intelligible or Kollej~edgerkated; glad he don't e=mail or IMP myself. Purty paintins tho.
Sooo...you may ask, why is i goin' underground 4 the end=week? Two reasons i reckon~~werk is over & there's a big=ass football game on Sunday. Plus all the alternatif videos set agin it.
Second, i hear tell of a nasty pooter bug that promises 2 frig up my dell sumpin awful. Best i should lie low at an undisclosed location while the smart peoples hunt down the Dick=Weed who writ up that dang thang. A pox on his haus, whomever he be [unless he's a girl]. Wood that it weren't so. i wish i had more funny junk...
And no, you=all, i don't have no bets laid off against them ball=foot gladiatours; i jest pray that nobody gets killt outright. And as they say in Japan sometimes: sighOHnahra schlak