Saturday, November 29, 2003

Young & pretty Lizards

Title: blog of dog in fog...etc.

   NO! My mood is not chillin', but it was Chilly @ the shack!  Warm now--i'll be alright.

    Boo=Boo the hound loves me, especially for walking her at 2 AM Friday.  Too bad she's the wrong species.  And the one gecko was friendly enuf---see subject line.  Altho there is a certain human Lizard out there just as pretty as Zelda who is popping in to visit tomorro.  You=all might be able to dope it out from the pix i include @ top^.  I am just so over these cutesy entries.

   {Cynicism without Whimsy?  i ask you...}  Hillary eating her turkey in Afghanistan?  Random thots from a Random guy.  I feel so blessed not to boil a turkey carcass this year for soup.  But i do have to go shopping 4 grox this week...lots of good bogos [buy 1, get 1].  Hane has the TV on so LOUD! 

   Check me lata, love you all...

        the dog=sitting slack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want a gecko. What's the pretty kitty's name?
I am looking for my five-days-missing Tramp, and am a little sad he might have hobo'ed away from the little house on the prairie. Soon I will post his picture on the Inter-galactic-net and hope for the best.

Keep the whimsy.



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