Title: Lizard watches Eagles win. OR the Traditional break=fast Chicken.
The Masterful niece from Boston is a better traveller than me, for sure. She finagled rides to and from the local maisons des grand=meres around her 28th birf=day---oops, no! Lizard is much younger than that! [they are only numbers on a faulty calendar.] Cousin Dan B. droppt her off & cousin David D. pickt her up. Hane barely had time to meet either of them! [see subject]
good for me i don't chauffer the beauties around like that any=more.
The namesake niece had to have her doughnuts from a national chain---and her grand matriarch insisted on hoagies for Lunch. Blade was a sleepy hostage. so, i ask you, what did i cook the bogo chicken for? {A: so i could make a very Excellent gravy for my tomorro Grits.} i cook, therefor i am. Engineer~Jim will explain it to me @ length...from Arkansas. Beware the sub=text---Slack