Sunday, September 28, 2003

Will this Chicken Never Die??

Sunday, lazy Sunday.  Mia sorella bellissima is winging her way alla Italia!  Buona fortuna!  ...oh, Maisie, you're cute too--Sposzeba.  Y'all keep me informed.     Hey rocky! Thanks for dropping in...[commentbytypingalllowercasewithout

spacesandeveryonewillknowyouspecial!]  I crack myself up sometimes.  Is there a pill for that?  Lizard, sand=flea, jay=jay, jeffdaddy, and The Capsizer--send me your poor, your tired, your Scathing comments and e=mail!  How else would i know that i am 'special'?'s a "Journal"...i get it.  Hane switches to base=ball and I am full of home-made chicken soup.  I boiled and stripped that bird just like my old man would have--except without leaving Bones in the soup to suffer on the favourite son!  [i laugh] That chicken should be dead and gone by October--one of the advantages of having a Uranium stomach.  [rambling]  I'd give the recipe, but that would spoil my mysterious demeanour--at least regarding poultry.  I really have nothing else on such a lazy sunday; so off to the better Glows i go!       Ciao tutti!  il slacchistimo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

surprise---myself again. I should 'paint' more so i could add my own pictures instead of borrowing/appropriating Glow fotoes[fotos?]. Please advise instead of lurking, my non-realtional Fans. Yet love 2 all visitors slacchisimo macho


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