Saturday, August 30, 2003


The summer is not over until Hane gets her peaches; so there i was zooming into the Hinterland looking for the farm where she wants them [the peaches] from.  I stoppt at a garage and asked for directions and the man asked me."Don't I know you from somewhere?"  I get that a lot especially when asking for directions.  by=the=by i got the dang Peaches.  Then over the Mountain roads again into my own general neighborhood for a larger grocery=run. 

     [This is the point of the moment in the story where i tell every=one that the green car decided to be balky and strand me.]  Which it did.  Thank god for the H=bus.  I rescued the ghost the very next day, after it cooled down from all the Peach=hunting.

     'These peaches are bittre', Hane could merely add.  And on Friday afternoon i went ape=crasy on the side yard...i'll be tearing shtuff out right up until my werk=place doesn't take no more.  Somebody remind me to get an earlier start next year with borrowed tools.  Also, never live in a haus near a cherch; the Bells of the carillon will surely make one mad.  (or is it

'the bells will surely make you mad?')  2 many parentheses.

     It's one step down from where i currently werk to Faer=carny, and then only one more step down to cosmic Homelessness [it's a good].

     must Meditate, cogitate and other=wise Vegetate...

---the toddling great white peach=hunter, slaz-a-mac slac


Anonymous said...

i love how you always rescue the green ghost - knowing full well, she will balk you again and again...

Anonymous said...

{anothre deep comment found!}


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