the twenty=first Century...
TITLE: We call it schpring, onion=schnow & all
TEMP: 48°, brisk with sun=shine flurries
MOOD: offlusif...and mildly befuddled
PUXXLE: perfect, 100%
PRESSURE: 107 systolik, 67 diastolik...
MUSIK: mostly EJ with some othre 70s throwed in
NOISE: the cardinal chirps cheerfully
WIDEO: Elton's birfdé concert, ANDY BARKER
GROX: baby carrots, olive oil, egg noodles,
bogo hot=dogs And salsa
HAER: under the hat, short and flat
THOT: «if Bullets were $ 2400 an ounce, How many
murders would there be?»
POLITICAL OBSERVATA: Our choices are narrowing precipitously on both sides in the And8 general presidential election. Would you rather have a multi=racial candidate than the first Woman in history? [^democrats^] JOHN EDWARDS should have been the top of the ticket four (4) years ago. Hmmm...
Would you rather have the former Mayor of an assailed city than a decorated war Veteran who has held to Principles of engagement in the Senate? [^republicans^] Hard selexions, too early offered...And who will arise as a spoiler?! Schtay tuned, get registered, it's gonna be a fine mess. Plus+, it's way too soon for me to get into these Concatenations... veritas
BIBLICAL REMARKS: the Witnesses are driven crasy by how i parafrase the Good=Book, even when i am reading it verbatim. {Alas, i do not have the original Hebrew, Greek & Aramaic on hand}
there we were, me and the Turtle, eating schlices at the local pizza parlour, sitting near the plate=glass front window [something real gangstas would never do] when two detectifs walkt in for a nosh. i could tell they were police by their automatic sidearms..but they weren't wearing uniforms per se. When we left, we observed their cars which were marked, DORAVILLE POLICE. The Turtle noticed their GEORGIA plates. Holy Crud! Were they here for a prisoner exchange OR becos of that Federal thing in JERSEY? And hadn't my brother just come from GEORGIA on palm sunday? {the innocent have nothing to fear from the officers of the Law--yeah, right.} Over=more, could our membership in the BFD have been compromised? i kid out of professional respect. Never mind~we'll either find the answers or Not. Happy Holy=Days from the slac^
babaloo yo
SLAK haooy holy=day
SLAK happy
babaloo ahhhh
babaloo same to you
SLAK appreciata
babaloo what's new?
SLAK schnow squalls
babaloo /goofy smiley/
babaloo make it stop!
SLAK it's the onionschnow, we expect it...
babaloo /spurious smiley/
SLAK cold on the Yard tho
babaloo you betcha
SLAK you probly haf a tan^
babaloo are you taking vacation to go to wedding?
SLAK as much as the day
babaloo what?
SLAK yes
babaloo flying down?
babaloo how?
SLAK we'll see
babaloo ahhh ...don't know yet?
SLAK i travel as my progenitors
babaloo what?
SLAK driving, hitching, going where i am wanted
babaloo but no car now?
SLAK good question
babaloo gonna buy one?
SLAK some=day
babaloo oook
SLAK i'll get there
babaloo ok
SLAK can't keep me away^
babaloo ok
SLAK i know the Groom
babaloo ok
SLAK else?
babaloo ok
SLAK seeyasoon
babaloo ok
SLAK o~k
babaloo k
^IMP edited for Nomenclature^