Saturday, June 3rd And 6...
Nautical ponderances, part one (1):
First & foremost, i am NOT a Sailor. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But~i swim like an eel and dive like a Swan, especially when turned over in a Boat. I have an equal and abiding Respect for Water, both fresh & salinated...i prefer Launches to sailing craft on account of motorised Boats are more like automobiles & masted skiffs are horribly akin to bicycles.
[^reposit^]Friday, September 29th And 6...
Nautical ponderances, part two (2):
Babaloo, on the other hand, is a Fisher=Man and Boater non-pareil. OR so he believes. I have overturnt a Sun=Fish with him @ least once on Plimoth Bay [actually, the smaller inlet of that]. He has also taken me seaward in smaller motorised Vessels at high speed, trying in vain to make me puke. {i only heave Aland}
There=For: i was more than glad to ride on his pleasure craft during the recent Reunion festivities! We were a crew of seven (7), much like the SS Minnow---Babaloo being the Skipper of gourse. Cap=Sizer brot Noah [and they napped below deck on open water!], while Lizard, Alan & i provided 'ballast on the chops'. My turn @ the wheel came after Alan's...and i did quite well coming off a buoy with a sailing vessel bow aport, Breezing away & a lone launch chugging afore the Starboard cut. The Skipper said,"Schplit the difference." I favoured the mild stern=wake of the Sailor so as to avoid schwamping the low-boat. Lizard had schpray on her 'team=jacket' by the time She came forward.
One Time [about 1988, when Maisy & Loo still had the sun=fish and the yellow Pacer], MACK took that small sail=boat in the morning Out upon GRACE's Bay. My sister & i came late to the party, but All the neighbours Regaled us with Dad's nautical prowess. Children that WE were--we believed that Ensign MACK might repeat such a Feat for his absent progeny. Which he did, right up until that fearful moment when the old man capsized, bent the boom, tore the singular sail & had to be towed in by Timmy's launch. As the elderly mariner recovered breathless upon a beach=towel, MAISY observed,"a 67 year-old man should NOT do such things!" Yet~we ourselves had put the dare in him. And that^, among other things is why i prefer to have Water farther away from me than Deep & Underfoot. Sorry 4 the sun=fish.
Final Long Island & Lyme luau Notes:
>the ENGINEER's Cabin/Cottage was not as Wild as one might think...i only went there once, myself
>KAY had such a good time, she bruised her gall=bladder; it's out now, and Harold is Attending her fully
>my team=jacket is kinda big, but i Love it
>pixtures are coming...right after all the Relatifs recover
>thereyago & thus-it-is ~slacWhoRarelySails~