"arooooo!! That was some scary movie, eh kids? What was that?"
---Count Floyd, SCTV [parafrase]
My Anticipation is palpable. All those tiny extortionists in strange and funny costumes. And their parents shuffling along for the ride...
Still, i love the halloween; it's such a neighborly holiday. My favourite part is stealing next=door to see what treats MaryAnn & Ed are distributing. My candy is fresh this year, i promise...Heck i bot 5 bags! I also especially like the infants who get carried up to the door in their outfits & they have no clue what they're supposed to do! Id est, i may be the scariest thing they see all year, but they must be in a mild state of shock already by the time they get to my door. I can't imagine how the new parents explain it all---the free candy, the trooping from door to door AND all these other crasy people doing the exact same thing?! God bless 'em.
Meanwhile & more=over, Lizard has all the latest pix of our babies---go bug her for copies [insanely maniacal Diabolical lafter!] But, BEWARE my spooky compadres...She's 'It' and she might just Tag you! ooooooowooo[ i think she's a familiar if not the real deal.] more lafter. Did i mention the Anticipation of more scary comments and e=mail? It's just a thing until i apply myself to making the Glow more accesible. And to all my female fans: I really do want to bite your collectif necks. [hypnotic stare] darkly, almost vampiric were=slack... CRRREEEEAAAAK