with or without you...And i still haven't found what I'm looking for. The Cat was good enuf to
take Hane to the Doc; only fambly would know
what that means. But aren't we=all just one great big fambly in the brave new werld??
Meanwhile and irregardless, i didn't claim to
be a good artist--just an artist. Or even a
Revolutionary poet like Astinerzo Rinunzo.
Who sits at home and does computre by black
light? Not me. I have enuf trouble editing and
deleting unwanted 'tunafish' (that's the new term for spam since the lawsuit). Always
punctuate! It makes for a happy page. And i
usually type faster than this(?). Oops i switched
from U2 to Led=Zep on Musicmatch. Is that a
product endorsement or what. Where the heck was i? These headfones are old and painful; i bot them at Hess Brothers. And
also: nine other people from myself have read
this tripe (Stairway2Heaven). Imagine what i
may find tomorro just after Dark Shadows. Can
anyone tell i am a child of the 60's? And there you go. [one could forward this page to Kurt
Vonnegut and He would be baffled.] Whatever
doesn't kill you isn't werth going thru (Goethe).
And that isn't exactly happy poetry.
Got to listen to The Levee, folks.... aslac